Poem 87: I Don't Know What I'm Doing

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I don't know what I'm doing.

I want somebody.

Everybody wants somebody.

But every somebody I find is not my somebody.

I want someone who can stay up 'till 3:00 am (minimum) talking with me about our existence, the concept of time and stupid conspiracy theories that could possibly be true.

Someone who will buy me a rose, just a single rose--for no reason at all.

Someone who, when they look me in the eye, will feel their chest clench and wonder if I feel it too.

A girl who will cuddle with me, to hold in my arms while we sit on my bed and watch YouTube on her broken phone.

A girl who won't judge my body, who won't look at me just to study my imperfections and how my ass looks.

Someone who can take my stoopid sense of humour and suggest colours I should dye my hair.

Someone who can impress my mum and dad, but most importantly--my sisters.

A girl who will play with my hair and steal my oversized hoodies.

A girl who will show me off on her socials because she's genuinely happy to be with me.

A girl who will get protective or jealous if someone tries to steal her girl from her.

A girl who's understanding, and actually enjoys reading my writing.

I could go on, and on, and on about someone like that. And I'll be honest, I get scared sometimes that there won't be a girl like that out there.

I know everyone has a soulmate, but  what if I'm gone before mine gets to me?


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