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Sonic's P.O.V.
"That's unfortunate. This isn't how I pictured my day going when I woke up this morning. But who am I to complain." I chuckled trying not to show in how much pain I was.

"Shut up, Faker! Get out of my way before I shoot you again. This time I wont aim to the arm." He growled as I stood in front of Eggman.

"Relax Shad. You know we don't kill anyone around here." I knew it was a bad idea. My shoulder was bleeding, I had a bullet in my arm, of course it wad bleeding. This world would be safer without Egghead around but this isn't how we do things around here. "We don't kill."

"Look who says that, idiot." He snarled and glared at me.

I kept standing in place, in front of Eggman, giving him my back, probably a bad idea but what else can I do? I cant just let Shadow shoot him! I wont be able to carry him away from here!

"Get out of the way, Hedgehog." He snarled again at me, at this point I was so used to being treated this way so I didnt flinch at the way he was talking to me.

"Aw come on Shadow, calm down. I am not going to move. Go ahead and shoot me, thats the only way youll get to him." I said calmly not remembering how much of a cold hearted hedgehog Shadow was.

He simply shrugged at me and shot me again but this time he hit the side of my stomach. It hurt but not as much as my arm. I laughed. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You wound me. Literally, you just actually wounded me." I laughed, this made Shadow confused and looked at me as if I was a psycho making it the perfect opportunity for Eggman to leave.

Once he left, I finally dropped the act and fell down and groaned in pain. At least there wasn't anyone I needed to protect but myself. Shadow walked to me and kicked my stomach.

"I will kill you next time you get in the way." He growled loudly and furiously at me as he clenched his fist and his teeth, glaring at me with pure hatred and disgust.

He chaos controlled away and I stood up. I looked around, I couldnt go home. I couldnt go see Tails or Knuckles or anyone for that matter.

Why? Well, that's got to do with a certain golden hedgehog...

"You have to take revenge somehow~ Let me handle things."

"Leave me alone already. Im not doing anything." I answered Dark. You know, it is kind of funny how things turned out to be, now the only person who believes me is the voice in my head. Dark.

"They betrayed you. He made everyone against you. Even Manic and Sonia. Your Mother. Your Uncle." He laughed. "You are pathetic. You didnt do anything to try to get them to believe you."

"I didn't do anything." I answered. My voice broke.

"Yeah but in their eyes you did. They saw you, covered in blood, holding the knife. No matter how many times you tell them it wasn't you... They saw you. You killed her."

"I didnt kill her!" I shouted as tears started rolling down my muzzle. "I didnt! I didnt!"

"What is worse... You snapped at Cream. It was obvious, Sonic. You killed her."

"I DID NOT!" I snapped.


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