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Shadow's P.O.V.
I was kissing him. His lips were so soft and so perfect. I was blushing and blushed even more when he kissed me back. I felt butterflies in my stomach and chills going down my spine at this. I loved it.

I don't know what got into me that I just kissed him but... I liked this... I like him...

What do I do...?

I slowly pulled away. We both looked at each other. Both searching in each other eyes words that could explain what had happened.

He was blushing to the tip of his ears making him drop them. "I-I'll stay..." He said lowly making my ears perked up and I nodded.

I cleared my throat as I tried to calm my blush. "Good." I said and he looked away. I chuckled very quietly at that thinking it was cute then I stood up and walked to the door and went to my room.

I laid down in my bed and smiled then rubbed my face as I tried to calm down.

Chaos, what did I do...


The next morning I woke up and Sonic was already in the dining room eating breakfast. He was finally out of the room making me smile.

I looked at him and blushed lightly but I walked past him. I went to the kitchen and I saw a plate of pancakes on the counter. I smiled slightly and took them to the table then sat down and started eating.

Sonic stood up then came back and out a cup of coffee in front of me then went to wash dishes. "You don't need to do that." I said as I ate.

"I want to help. You've helped me a lot already. This is the least I can do." He said and I chuckled lightly at that.

"You want to help? Then get out of that room more and try to calm down over everything that has been going on." I said as I looked at him. I finished the coffee and stood up then walked to the kitchen and went to put the plate in the sink but Sonic tried to take the plate so he could wash it. I made him turn around to face me and picked up his chin making him look at me in the eye. "Stop cleaning."

I said as I leaned close. He leaned closer to me as well and we were about to kiss when my alarm rang. My ears perked up and gasped.

"Shit I am late!" I pulled away and looked at him with a light blush but immediately chaos controlled away.

I really need to tell him.

"Hun, are you okay?" I heard Rouge ask and I immediately looked at her. "You are blushing~"

My ears perked up and I covered my muzzle. Chaos I am so glad we are at our office and not with the commander or in front of other agents.

"What happened? Did you tell him?"

I shook my head. "I couldn't. So I kissed him..." I was embarrassed to say that but still said it.

"What? And how did he react? Did he kiss back?" I slowly nodded at that. "So you two are dating?" I shook my head. "But you kissed!" I nodded making her mad. "Look Handsome, I am going to need more than a simple nod and shake of head."

"We aren't dating... I didn't ask him out. But we kissed. I don't know what to do." I sighed. "I-I'll fix this as soon as I get home."

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