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Sonic's P.O.V.

"What are you doing?" Dark asked as I kept walking. 

"What does it seem like I am doing?" I answered annoyed. 

"They will not listen to you. They are going to turn you in. Even Tails tried to turn you in already. Do you really expect them to help you?"  He was right. I gave in and looked through the window. They were all there. 

"I cannot believe he would do this..." Sonia said to Knuckles and Tails. 

"Well, he did it. He had told Tails and me about how annoyed he was of her. I never thought he would actually do something about it though." Knuckles answered to them. I was making sure I was not being seen. 

"But Sonic is not like this. He is our brother, and I believe that something else-" Manic was cut off by Tails. 

"He snapped at Cream, I think Dark is making him go insane. We can't forget about him, maybe it was Dark but it is still Sonic... He should have controlled it better, he had for years already, he even told me that Dark was becoming his friend... So maybe Amy annoyed him too much and just decided to... W-Well..." Tails said making me drop my ears and hear Dark growl since they were blaming him as well. 

"Stop it! Do not even dare talk like that about him! He was your brother too!" Manic snapped. "We both know Sonic did not do this! But you are too afraid about what everyone else is saying." He couldn't calm down. "And now you pushed him away and I can't find him!" 

"Well... At least someone believes you." 

"I want this to be over. Where is Silver when I need him? He should tell them the truth! He should know what happened! He is from the future!" I said lowly for them not to hear me but Manic immediately turned around to face the window. I immediately ducked and covered my mouth. 

"You should run, he may be your brother and believes you but you never know," Dark said clearly annoyed, I stood up and dashed to the forest. "Why don't you just let me handle things now? It will be faster, I will find Fleetway immediately and kill him." 

"Killing him is not the answer. I wonder if-" I said and cut off when I saw Shadow and stopped in front of him. He immediately growled and held a chaos spear ready to attack me then threw it to a tree as soon as he saw it was me. He rolled his eyes and kept walking. I was shocked at this. "Aren't you going to turn me in? To G.U.N.?" I asked since they were looking for me too. 

He stayed quiet making me more confused. 

"Won't you get in trouble for not doing so?" I asked him again making him growl even louder and glare at me. 

"Do you WANT me to turn you in?" He snarled. 

"No... But-" 

"Then shut up and leave, idiot. I am not stupid, I know you didn't kill that brat." He said, I was shocked, even Dark was quiet at that. 

"Y-You believe me...?" I said lowly with my ears slightly lowered, I had been running away for so long, hadn't had a proper meal or rest since I kept hidden from everyone. I even tried going to another kingdom, going as far away as I possibly could but the news travel as fast as I do. I am everywhere, no one would believe me and no matter what, I would not be able to get away from this one. 

"Get. Away, Hedgehog." He wouldn't stop growling and glaring, I could not help but let tears roll down my muzzle. How pathetic, right? I did not care, Shadow believed me and he proved it by not turning me in. He believed me. 

"Thank you..." I said lowly and dashed off, I was slower than ever before, I was weak, I was tired, I was hungry. 

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