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Sonic's P.O.V.
"Not you too." I groaned.

"Sonic!" I turned around and saw Silver. He got to me and hit me in the head but not so hard. "That's for snapping at her like that! You scared her to death!"

"Whatever. Why is your boyfriend blaming me? You two should know that I didn't do it." I rolled my eyes.

"He is not my boyfriend." Silver sighed.

"Really because it didn't seem like that 2 months ago when I heard you in his house moa-" He covered my mouth as he blushed and glared at me.

"It's your fault I am here, Idiot." Mephiles said annoyed and crossed his arms.

"I didn't ask for you to come." I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here? You came to help me?"

"I can't help you, I am here just to tell you that I believe you, I know Fleetway is behind all of this." Silver said calmly.

"You came just for that? You wasted energy just to tell me you believe me? I know Fleetway did it, chaos, he set me up. I want to know why and I want to turn him in! You just came to tell me you believe me?" I crossed my arms making Silver chuckle.

"I can't help you because I know what is going to happen, I know you are alone right now and I just wanted to let you know that I am here, I believe you, I am your friend. You have been through worse, everything is okay."

"What are you? A fortune teller? I know everything is okay. I know everything WILL be okay! I didn't do it, that's how I know. If you just came for that then you should go back already. I have to find Fleetway." I glanced around. I didn't recognize this place. "Hey, where am-" I turned to look where Silver was at but he was gone. I turned around and Mephiles was gone too. "Okay, this is ridiculous."

"Where are we?" Dark asked.

"I don't know. Never been here." I looked around. "Its a forest for sure... But...-"

"I know its a forest, you idiot. But where?" Dark said annoyed.

"I don't know." I said annoyed as well. I walked around, there was a clear, flowers around us and a giant box looking thing away from me. It was as big as a house.

"Don't get close, asshole. You would be the first one to die in a horror movie." Dark growled making me roll my eyes and kept getting closer. I heard noise. I definitely heard voices. "Oh yeah, don't listen to me, the one and only who has tried to help you."

I ignored Dark once again and kept getting closer, quietly and carefully. I moved to the slightly opened door.

I could not believe my eyes...

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