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Sonic's P.O.V.
"Just give up." Dark again.

"No." I groaned. "Leave me alone."

"Look, at least in jail or in the dungeon or wherever they will take you, you will have food and a place to sleep at. You are tired, you haven't eaten other than fruit you find in the trees and you cant even wash them because you dont have anywhere to. You are going to kill us both." Dark groaned loudly.

"Well that wouldnt be such a bad idea."

"What? Please say you mean going to jail and not dying."

"What did Amy do to him? What did I do to get him to-" I gasped and yelped as I felt someone grabbed my wrist and pull me back. "Hey!" By the time I looked behind me, I was at the forest. "What the-" I turned around and there he is.

He was looking at me, glaring, pure anger towards me. Well, when wasn't he like this?

"What the hell are you doing here?" I said as I took a step back hoping he would not turn me in.

"You cant run away from him and you know that." Dark laughed.

"Its your fault." He growled loudly.

Shadow's P.O.V.
"Where are you going?" Rouge asked me, we were at G.U.N.

"That's none of your fucking business." I growled and chaos controlled away.

I walked to the door and knocked.

"Shadow, what a nice surprise. What brings you here?" Vanilla said once she opened the door.

"I wanted to see Cream." I said with a straight face.

I saw Cream coming down the stairs, her face immediately lit up once she saw me and ran to me then hugged me making me chuckle and pick her up. Vanilla let me in and I took Cream to her room since she insisted on playing.

I closed the door and sat down on the floor in front of Cream. "You want to ask me about it, right, Mr. Shadow?" She said calmly as she petted her stuff animal.

I lowered my ears slightly and nodded. "Can you talk about it?" She simply nodded and sighed quietly as she looked down.

"No one believes me..." She mumbled.

"I will believe you. You never lie, Cream." I said calmly.

"Sonic snapped at me but because I did not listen to him. He was trying to save me." She said with tears in her eyes. I was a bit shocked at this.

"But I heard he snapped and called you an idiot." I said.

"Why don't you ever stay out of the way? You are such an-" she stopped for a while. "Get that in your head!" She said but not loud making me confused. "That is what he told me, that is what everyone heard."

I raised a brow confused. "What do you mean? There was more?"

"Before he snapped at me. He told me Fleetway did it. He told me he wanted me to be safe and to stay home because he had seen Fleetway around the house." She nodded. "I told him I wanted to help and that is when he shouted at me. I have not been able to get out of the house since then..."

My ear flickered realizing what had actually happened. He snapped at her on purpose. He wanted for Cream to be safe and knew she wouldn't unless she were the be in her house. Locked in.

I hugged Cream tightly since I saw her crying.

What the hell is going on?

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