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Shadow's P.O.V.
I chaos controlled to that city. I did not waste any time. I told Rouge and she wanted to come with me but I didn't let her come. I looked around the city, everywhere for a sign of him.

I looked at my phone to see the picture the anonymous person sent me. I looked up and I saw someone going into the woods. It looked nearly the same as the picture.

I decided to follow so I chaos controlled closer to them.

"Leave me alone!" I heard him shout and I tensed up immediately thinking they were talking to me. "I don't care what you think. I am tired of this."

I sighed quietly in relief knowing he hadn't seen me. I recognized the voice. It was definitely him.

He walked deep into the woods. He wouldn't stop walking until he reached a bridge. I was hiding behind some trees.

He took off the hoodie and I saw how his fur changed from a very dark color to his original color. I raised a brow, I was so confused.

"I don't care, I waited too long to do this." He said as he looked down at the river. We weren't that high from it but he didn't know how to swim at all. I knew he would drown.

I saw him jump and I froze, my heart skipped a beat and I immediately dashed to try to catch him. I jumped in not caring and not thinking twice about it.

I should have known. I should have known he would try to kill himself. I shouldn't had let him go.

I couldn't find him, I was panicking. What if I don't find him and he drowns?


I got swam around trying to find him but I couldn't find anything. I swam up to get air and I looked around. There. Under the bridge.


I started freaking out and immediately swam there. I found him but he was bleeding from the head. He must had hit himself with the rocks.

I immediately carried him and chaos controlled to a hospital.


"He is ready to go. He needs to rest, not carrying heavy things and no being up for a long time. No running. For at least a week." The doctor told me once I asked what had happened.

I nodded and saw a nurse wheeling him out of the room. I had my arms crossed with a straight face. He looked at me shocked and he immediately tensed up.

I rolled my eyes and chaos controlled us to my house without even saying anything to the doctor or the nurse.

"Why?" It was the first thing he asked me.

"You are such an idiot." I immediately answered.

He tried to stand up but I pushed him back down. "The deal was for me to get out of your life. So let me go."

"Well the deal changed. Now you are staying here until you are mentally better, you idiot. How could you do that?"

"That's not your business." He answered making me growl at him. "Just let me go Shadow... This will just make things better for our deal."

"Why did you really tried to kill yourself?" I knew it wasn't because of our deal. I hoped and prayed it wasn't because of our deal.

He sighed and looked down. He told me how he had lost everyone. How everyone had betrayed him and how he knew he shouldn't even be here. He told me how useless he felt, he didn't even let a single tear out, he looked so numb, so hurt, his dull eyes just looking down at the floor. Then he ended with "everyone wanted me dead when they thought I killed her, I thought I'd do everyone a favor..." He was so broken.

I looked at him.

Why does it hurt so much to see you like this....?

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