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Sonic's P.O.V.
I woke up and the first thing I saw was Shadow passing by me. I tensed up not knowing what he was doing there then it hit me once I saw I was laying down in a couch. I immediately gasped and sat up making Shadow immediately turn and look at me.

"Well you finally woke up. It's been a whole day." I turned to my right and saw a plate of chili dogs sitting in the coffee table in front of the couch I was currently laying on.

"What? I- what?" I asked confused as I sat up correctly and glanced around. I have never been here before. Is this his house?

"Just eat." He shook his head as he sat down on the table. "I can tell you have not been eating." He said calmly. That was strange. He was calm. He was not shouting or growling or even punching me.

"Why am I here, Shadow?" I asked not sure if I should trust this. I knew he believed me but it wasn't the same thing. He could easily be tricking me and later bring GUN to come and get me. Plus, he isn't someone I should trust easily.

"Eat first and then we will talk. I do not need you fainting on me again, Hedgehog." He said sternly, he was annoyed and it was clear.

I decided not to bother about it and listen to him then grabbed the plate and started eating. I was surprised at how close it was to my favorite chili dogs. I took a while to finish my first bite, I had not eaten in a long time that I wanted to take my time to enjoy the chili dogs.

I soon finished with the food and I saw Shadow going through his phone as he waited for me to finish eating. I lowered my ears slightly not knowing if I could trust him. I glanced around for ways to escape. I found many but I decided to give Shadow an opportunity, plus, I wanted to see what he wanted if it wasn't turning me in. Dark wouldn't leave me alone either, he was very curious as to what Shadow wanted.

"Shadow." I called him making him him and look at me. He saw I was done and he put his phone down then rested both hands on the table as if he was in some kind of professional meeting. "Why am I here?" I asked again.

"Because I am tired of everyone believing it was you who killed that brat. Cream told me what happened before you snapped at her. You were trying to protect her and no one would believe her that. They just decided to believe what they saw, and they saw you yell at her." He said calmly. "You said it was Fleetway who did this and I want to help you get all this over with."

"Why should I trust that you want to help me?" I asked, I was honestly really shocked at Shadow's words but I tried my hardest not to show it. "You have never really helped me before, well not because YOU wanted to help me. You were always forced to, so why should I?"

He rolled his eyes at this and tried to not growl, it was obvious he was annoyed but he kept trying not to snap. I give him points for that.

"Because, Idiot, I am the only one who believes you and who can actually help you without getting caught. I know where GUN will be at and where the guards and cops will be at." He said and I slowly nodded as I stayed quiet.

Shadow's P.O.V.
I did not think he would listen to me. He was always so stubborn but something on the expression he gave me made me think he would trust me.

He sighed and rubbed his face. He wasn't looking at me, I already knew by now he was going to say no. I wasn't going to do anything about it either. If he didn't want my help we'll then he can fix this on his own, I am not going to beg him or anything.

"Fine but..." He said taking me off guard. "Don't use your phone unless I know for what, the moment I start to suspect you are trying to turn me in, I will leave and figure this out myself. I don't know why you are even helping me... which is another reason I shouldn't be trusting you. No one better find out about this. Not Tails or Rouge or anyone. I don't care if you trust Rouge, I trusted my friends and they all backstabbed me." He said and I nodded.


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