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Sonic's P.O.V
"No!" Shadow shouted at me. Nothing new.

"Bu-" I was cut off.

"You are staying here. They are looking for you everywhere today. I can't risk this and get caught helping you." Shadow said clearly annoyed and ready to snap at me.

"Sha-" I was interrupted again.

"I put cameras around Creams house, Inout cameras around my house and I put cameras around the area Fleetway is in! Nothing will happen and if it does, I will know. As soon as we catch Fleetway doing something again, I will take the video to GUN, we will get him and we will get for him to confess he killed Rose! Got it?!" He snapped making me sigh and nod.

"Fine..." I walked to the room without even finish eating and closed the door.

Shadow's P.O.V.
It was as if having a spoiled kid in the house. He would not listen and would never take no for an answer.

I have to admit, the face he gave me before he left to the room did hurt me a bit but I ignored it.

I Was getting used to having him around but he was really annoying sometimes, well, most of the time.

I rolled my eyes and got ready for work then went to GUN. I checked in and went to my office after I grabbed a coffee.

During the day, I kept glancing at my phone where I could see the videos of e cameras I installed. Faker had not gotten out of the house at all, I was glad since I did not need to get in trouble.

I went to train since I needed to. I saw Rouge but I ignored her since I was still pissed off and I knew she would only scold me about Faker.

I kept training then I went to the lockers and showered then changed. I went back to the office and started doing the paperwork I needed to finish. I had stacks and stacks of papers over the missions I have gone. I needed to keep track of them but I never had the chance to properly file them.

I sighed as I looked around my office and rubbed my face. I finally got annoyed and started to organize everything.

Just when I was finally calming down, Rouge burst in my office.

"Guess what?!" She asked as I raised a brow. "You have to see this!" She said in a rush, I didn't know if she was panicking or what but she was shocked and so was I as she showed me her phone.

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