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Sonic's P.O.V.
"Why?!" I let him pin me to the wall. I let him punch me and even kick me.

Dark was shouting at me to do something but I didn't. I had tears rolling down my muzzle but I kept a straight face.

I was on the floor looking up at him. It hurt too much to move.

He grabbed me by the quills and pulled me up roughly then threw me to the wall with a kick making me shout in pain and cry. Dark kept trying to take over but I refused.

"Why?!" I shouted again as I cried but didn't change my expression. My ears were pinned down from the pain and my nose was bleeding from the punches to the face.

"I thought they would take care of you sooner!" He took out the knife and smirked. I tried not to look scared but I was completely petrified. "You should already be locked in, dead. They should have already killed you for killing her!" He snapped.

"Why did you kill her?!" I snapped back as I stood up in pain and took a step back.

I need to trust Shadow.

I need to trust him that this will turn out okay.

"Because I want you gone! You keep getting in my way! I killed her, and I made sure everyone thought YOU did it. I made sure everyone betrayed you, I made sure no one believed you. Now you have no one." He chuckled with a smirk. "You are alone, you have no friends. Everyone betrayed you, even your best friend did not believe you." He chuckled again, he looked so proud, I kept my ears pinned down, it hurt. This was all true.

He launched at me and I did not even try to move. I was tired, what purpose did I even have now? I had no friends, even my family betrayed me. They obviously can handle Eggman without me. I really had no reason to be there.

I closed my eyes and waited for him to stab me or cut my neck or something. He wanted me gone, I will let him.

I opened my eyes when I realized he never got any closer and I saw Shadow holding him back, he looked at me a bit shocked that I just didn't do anything to stop Fleetway. Fleetway was fighting back so he looked away from me and took care of him.

I was suddenly handcuffed and I looked behind me, G.U.N. was here.

I did not stop them, I did not care anymore.

I should have just let them take me since the beginning. I shouldn't have brought this much problems to Shadow. I looked up at Shadow then looked down as I let the agents take me with them.


It had passed hours, I was in a cell at G.U.N. The news that I had been captured was already out. Everyone was so happy and relieved. I did not care.

Chaos, I just want this to end.

I was sitting in the bed that they had there, it was all dusty and rusty but I ignored it. I knew I would not be here long, I knew I would find a way to just end this soon or G.U.N. would.

Either way, I wanted to die.

I did not expect what happened next.

Shadow walked into the building and he opened my cell. He looked at me and told me to get out. I looked up at him with no expression at all.

"You are free to go. I gave them the video of where Fleetway confessed that he killed Amy. Your name has been cleared and now you have your life back to normal." He said and I nodded but I looked down.

"Except that it isn't," I mumbled and I knew he was looking at me confused. I looked up again and shook my head then I stretched my hand to Shadow and he shook it. "Thank you for helping me, I will do my part of the deal now," I said and he nodded slowly then I dashed away.

I knew now everyone believed me, I knew I should be happy but I was not.

I went to my house and I saw the door open. I looked inside and I saw who I thought were my friends. I stopped at the door and they all looked at me. They were smiling. They seem so happy. How could they be so happy? None of them had my back when I needed them. I was always there for them, through EVERYTHING! And this is how they paid me back?!

"Get out," I said immediately making all their smiles disappear. "GET OUT, NOW!" I snapped, letting Dark shout for me.

They all tensed up.

"But Sonic, we-" Tails started but I looked at him, no, I glared at him and growled.

"Fine, I will leave then," I said. "Have a good life." I rolled my eyes and I dashed off.

I never went back.

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