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Shadow's P.O.V.
"So that's what you wanted to talk to me about." She smirked after I told her to shut up.

"I said I would go meet you at your house." I growled. "And that was nothing. Get those stupid ideas out of your head, Bat! He tried to wake me up."

"Since when has he been with you?" She asked as she sat down now talking a bit lower than before.

"He's been here for two days." I rolled my eyes. I did not feel comfortable anymore. I knew he could listen if we just talked a bit louder or if he opened the door of his room. "He'd been locked in the guest room all this time. I only see him when I take him something to eat."

"So then he got out of the room for a reason. If he suddenly is out after he's been locked in then maybe he wanted to talk to you." She said and I tensed up lightly. I did not think of that. "I should go then. We can talk about what you needed through text later."

I nodded slowly and sighed then rubbed my face. What if he heard what Rouge said when he left to the room?

"You know... If you like him, you should let him know. He is not a psychic, and Sonic is very clueless when someone has a crush on him. Tell him." She whispered.

I glared at her and she smiled then flew away. I went to lock the front door then I sighed and went to the guest room then knocked on the door and slowly walked in.

He was laying down, his back facing the door as he looked out the window. He had his ears dropped. He had been so depressed ever since I brought him back to my house. I didn't know what to do.

"What?" He asked but didn't look at me.

"Did you want to talk to me?" I asked calmly. This must have shocked him or something because his ear twitched a couple of times then he looked at me and he sat up.

His quills were still picked up making me feel slightly sad at that. He had not been himself and I missed it.

"I wanted to thank you..." He said lowly and I raised a brow and sat down on the corner of the bed.

It was a single bed so we were sitting right next to each other. "You are thanking me?"

"Yes, you helped me a lot. You even saved me." He said lowly looking down.

"So you are finally not mad at me for saving you?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, I guess I was too hurt to see what I was doing. I would be dead if it wasn't for you... But- I should leave Shadow... I don't want to see the others." He said lowly, clearly hurt.

"I know but..." I shook my head. "After what happened, I think it would be better for you to stay here. I can't just trust that you won't ever do that again." I looked at him and he looked at me.

We were a bit too close but I ignored it.

"I won't. I promise." He sighed and I shook my head.

I did not realize I was getting closer until our noses lightly touched. He was blushing, a very dark blush but he didn't pull away.

"I want you to stay..." I said lowly now glancing down at his lips, I looked up and into his eyes but he glanced at my lips making me lean closer and finally kissed him.

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