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Shadow's P.O.V
"You can stay in the guest room. It is down the hall to the left." I said and stood up to go to the kitchen. This was stupid.

He is stupid. The faster I get this over with, the sooner he will leave and get then hell out of here and out of my life.

"Shadow." He called me again making me roll my eyes. "What's the catch? You never help me. You must want something."

"As a matter of fact I do, Idiot." I said as I started washing dishes. "You can stay at my house. You can eat what I have, you can make yourself at home and I will help you get the truth out. But I want you out of my life as soon as this is over."

He stayed there, quiet and in place as he thought about it but soon enough nodded. "Deal. You got it. As soon as this is over, the only way you will ever see me will be if I am fighting against Eggman or we bump into each other by accident. I won't even try to talk to you or even look at you after this is over." He nodded again.

"Good." I simply said and continued washing dishes. I heard him walking then a door closing, he had gone to the guest room.

(The next day)
"Why the hell did you not tell me this yesterday?!" I shouted at him as we ate breakfast.

"Because I was passed out on your couch!" He shouted back at me as he put the fork down.

I rubbed my temples and groaned as Input the fork down as well and put our plates on the counter making him whine since he hadn't finish. I wanted to chuckle at that but I stopped myself.

"Hey. Why?" He groaned.

"We are going. Tell me where you saw him." I said and he rolled his eyes. He told me the place and I grabbed his wrist and chaos controlled near where I recognized the place. He started guiding me.

I followed quiet and annoyed as I glanced around making sure no one was following us. I finally saw where Faker said he saw Fleetway and I walked closer.

My heart dropped to my stomach at seeing blood everywhere and even on the walls. He had clearly tortured people here. He had clearly finished with someone just now...

I glanced around from where I was standing, there was a dress in the floor, a little kids dress stained in blood and looked ripped. This just got me furious and sick at the same to me. I was going to go in when I turned to my side and saw Faker shaking lightly and with his ears pinned down. He had never seen such a sight before and it was obvious.

I mentally cursed for feeling bad and grabbed his wrist then chaos controlled back to my house.

"Sit down." I said but he didn't listen. He was still in shock. I grabbed him by the shoulders and shakes him lightly. "HEDGEHOG!" I shouted finally making him snap out of it. He looked like he was about to cry.

"I shouldn't had left yesterday..." He mumbled as he looked down, I could feel his body shaking in fear and in shock. "I shouldn't had left yesterday... I should had stayed even if it meant that would had been me... A little girl is dead now... A-and I could had prevented this..."

Never in my life...

Had I felt the same or related to this idiot...

I've seen things like this in missions for GUN, so I understood what he meant...

I know this book has really short chapters but I hope you all enjoy it❤️

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