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Sonic's P.O.V.
"I want the money you idiot!" It was Fleetway. His hands were covered in blood as so were his fur. He was holding a knife on his left hand as he held the phone to his ear with the right hand.

"You should leave. He is going to see you." Dark said and I nodded slowly. I took steps back and immediately dashed off making sure Fleetway had not seen me. To my luck, he didnt.

I kept running, I was slower than usual. I tried to run somewhere else where I would not be found but I ended up bumping into someone the second I turned around to see if I was being followed.

Shadow's P.O.V.
I knew I needed to find him. I hated that idiot but I knew something was wrong and I just wanted things to go back to normal.

I tried to find him when all of a sudden I was hit and launched to a tree. Something was in my arms as I groaned and growled loudly, that's when I looked down and tensed up when I saw Faker in my arms, he was panting heavily and groaned quietly since he got hurt when he bumped into me.

"Get off." I snarled as soon as I noticed I was staring.

He slowly stood up but he stumbled back. He looked skinnier, and exhausted. Has this idiot not eaten anything?

Well how could he? He doesnt have anywhere to do. I mentally cursed knowing he was probably going to die if I didnt help him so I grabbed his wrist and chaos controlled to my house.

He tensed up but didnt fight back. He looked too weak to do so. He glanced around panicking and sighed quietly in relieved to see where he was at.

I was about to talk to him when he immediately passed out but I managed to catch him.

I shook him to try to wake him up but it was useless. He wasnt waking up nor reacting at all. He was clearly too weak to even be standing up.

"You over did yourself again, Idiot."

I carried him to the couch and covered him with a blanket and looked at him and sighed.

"Faker." I said then sat down and rubbed my face annoyed.

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