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Sonic's P.O.V.
Shadow got to the house, I had been spacing out since yesterday after he kissed me. I could not believe he actually kissed me. He hated me not too long ago and now he was kissing me.


I sighed and looked up when I heard him walk in. He tensed up lightly when he saw me as he put his jacket on the hanger.

"Hey. You actually listened." He raised a brow and I nodded.

He sat down next to me but he kept his distance then he sighed and looked at me. I raised a brow and looked at him confused.

"Yes?" I hoped he wouldn't kiss me again. I didn't know what to do. I would kiss back but we weren't anything so it felt weird.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked making me tense up and look at him shocked.

"W-what...?" I asked as I blushed a bright color. He simply moved closer and cupped my muzzle as he leaned in and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back even.

"Will you go out with me...?" He asked me again then kissed my cheek and pecked my lips very softly. I smiled at this, I couldn't help it, I felt butterflies in my stomach each time he did so. "Please..." He said, his lips brushing against mine as I tried to lean in for another kiss but he pulled back slowly.

"Y-Yes..." I said lowly as I looked at him in the eyes. I saw him smile, he smiled. Shadow smiled, and then he leaned closer and kissed me again.

This was prefect. This really was perfect. Shadow and I were together, we were kissing and I was genuinely happy.

He slowly pulled away after a bit and smiled softly at me. I was madly blushing at this and immediately looked down.

He chuckled softly and made me look up then pecked my lips and stood up. "Did you eat?" He asked and I slowly nodded.

"Y-Yes..." I stuttered a bit at this. He calmed down immediately when I still couldn't calm down my blush. He must have been preparing himself for this...

"Are you sure?" He raised a brow making me sigh and shake my head. I hadn't eaten anything. "Get ready. Take off that hoodie. We are going to a cafeteria to eat."

I dropped my ears at that. "No." I immediately answered but he didn't take that for an answer.

"You haven't gone out since you got here. I know what happened really must have hurt you but this needs to stop. I am tired of seeing you like this. You and your friends need to make up."

"They aren't my friends." I said lowly.

"Yes they are. Look, your brother was trying to convince everyone you weren't a killer. Miles was just scared since everyone kept interviewing him and bombarding with hating comments for trying to protect you. There was stuff you did not see. They want to apologize and you need to let them." He said and I pinned my ears down. He sighed and walked back to me then pulled me closer. "You don't have to do it now but you can't be stuck here everyday. You haven't even ran in a long time."

"I guess you are right... Fine... But I am not meeting them now..." I looked down and rested my head on his shoulder.

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