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Sonic's P.O.V.
Shadow had the free day but he was locked in his room again. He did that to avoid me, I knew that for sure. Every time he was in the living room and I walked in, he would stand up and leave.

The only time we would actually be in a room together would be when we were eating.

I was currently watching TV alone in the living room. I was watching a random movie as I sat down on the corner of the couch as I ate popcorn. I was really into the movie that I didn't notice when Shadow walked out of his room.

I realized that when I heard noise in the kitchen and I glanced at him. He was simply in his phone, he had been in his phone for the past week looking if Fleetway would come back. He never did.

I looked back at the TV when I saw Shadow walking closer. I then glanced to my side when I felt him sit on the other side of the couch, sitting away from me but still looking down at his phone.

"Anything?" I asked as I watched the movie.

"Absolutely nothing." He sighed and rubbed his face then glanced up. He looked at what I was watching. "That's my favorite movie." He pointed out and I looked at him.

"Really? Then watch it with me. You look stressed." I said calmly and he finally put the phone down. His phone would give him a notification if the cameras caught anything so he didn't necessarily have to be on his phone all day.

He grabbed a bit of the popcorn and watched the movie with me. He was finally calm and we were finally not fighting and shouting at each other. It was nice. Really nice.

Once the movie was over, he looked at me. I looked at him since I thought he wanted to say something but he immediately looked away. I was a bit confused but I shrugged it off.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I looked for another movie. I didn't hear anything so I turned around to look at him and saw he was fast asleep.

I snapped my fingers a couple of times to see how deep in sleep he was but his ear didn't even move. He must have been really exhausted.

I went to the guest room and grabbed a blanket then I went to the front door where his "check out" desk was at. He had a calendar there where he could see when he had to work and he would mark everything, if he needed to be anywhere or anything. I made sure he had nothing else to do today and I went back to the couch.

I covered him with the blanket he had given me since I did not want to go to his room. I knew I shouldn't even if it was just for that. I made sure he wouldn't wake up and I slowly, carefully and gently made him lay down. I had brought my pillow as well so he can rest on it.

"You are starting to like him." Dark said and I stayed quiet.

I turned off the TV so Shadow could rest.

"You know he hates you. You won't ever be his friend." He said again.

I shook my head ignoring him.

I walked to the kitchen and made something to eat. I knew Shadows favorite was spaghetti since he would always make it so I made it for him.

I covered it and put it in the microwave once I was done. I glanced to the living room, he was still asleep.

I grabbed a paper from the journal he had at the desk.

'You fell asleep after the movie. I made spaghetti so you can eat. It is in the microwave.' I wrote down then I put the note on the coffee table in front of the couch. I then left to the guest room again.

I knew Shadow wasn't so bad. I knew I always annoyed him too much.

All I ever wanted for us to be friends, get to know each other. That's all I wanted. That's all I want.

But I won't bother him after this is over. It was a deal.

And I honestly don't mind.

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