Final Chapter!

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Sonics P.O.V.
"I retire." I said to the interviewer. Even the photographer looked at me shocked and the people who were filming live.

"Excuse me?" She looked at me extremely shocked. "Sonic? You are retiring? B-But you are a hero..." She laughed concerned. "A hero can't just retire."

"Am I?" I sat up straight. Everyone in the entire world was watching this live. They had been wanting to interview me live over what had happened when I was accused of Amy's murder.

"Well of course you are." She said and then looked at the camera with a nervous chuckle then looked back at me.

She was no longer acting professional. Everyone around me was too shock to act how they were supposed to.

"Am I a hero? Not too long ago I was living in the streets, I was hiding and I was homeless and I nearly died trying to escape all of you who kept blaming me for Amy's death. My friend, one of my closest friends. Everyone thought I was a murderer without giving me a chance to explain or thinking twice about it." I said making her drop her ears.

"But-" I didn't care if what I was saying wasn't professional or if it wasn't right. I had talked to Shadow about this. He told me to go head and do it if this would make me feel better.

"I saved you all hundredths of times. I did not care if I would get killed to keep the city," I shook my head. "the world, safe. But what did I get? I got all of you to make my own friends turn their backs on me because you all thought I should die and be in jail and that I should never be free." I crossed my arms.

The people around were too shocked and even hurt to even think of stopping the live. "You know, after it was all over and I got my name back and my freedom, I was lost, I was alone. I didn't know what to do or who to trust because you all turn my best friends against me. I tried to kill myself but thankfully someone saved me and took me to the hospital. So I retire."

I looked at the camera as I tried my hardest not to cry. I clenched my fists and stood up. "I retire because apparently saving all of your lives every day and risking my life means nothing to any of you." And with that said, I walked off.

No one bothered me or tried to stop me. As I walked down the streets, I saw people looking at me with their ears lowered.

I felt so relieved now. Like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.

I felt finally happy.

I smiled and I, for the first time in a while, dashed off.

I made it to Shadow's house and I immediately hugged him when I saw him. He gasped and laughed softly then hugged me back.

"I'm free." I said happily and pulled away and looked at him. I was in his lap by now but we both didn't care. I was too happy finally. "I'm free." I said again feeling so relieved.

Tears started streaming down my muzzle and he cleaned them as he smiled as well. He took the band that was holding my quills up and looked at me.

"You are back." He chuckled and I nodded then kissed him.

I'm back.

It feel so good to be back.

He immediately kissed back then looked at me and smiled softly. "I missed you~"

"Thank you..." I said as I kept letting tears roll down my muzzle. "Thank you for believing in me."


I'm happy again.

The End

Maybe this was not the ending you all were expecting but I tried. I hope you all enjoyed!
More books coming!

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