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Shadow's P.O.V.
"I should had turned him in." I rolled my eyes as I rested back on the wall.

"You should have. You saw what he did, Hun. You are lucky no one was with you and that GUN did not catch you." Rouge said as she drank from her tea. She was seating in her couch flipping over a magazine, her legs crossed as she took a sip of her tea.

"He did not do it. Are you that dumb, Bat?" I said annoyed. "How could you be so stupid?" I crossed my arms.

She scoffed and looked at me as she out her tea cup down. "Excuse me? I am stupid?" She crossed her arms. "He was seen with the knife in hand, he was covered in blood, his fingerprints were all over the scene and so were his shoe prints. All evidence points to Sonic."

"Oh chaos, you know better than anyone that all that could have been faked." I said annoyed.

"What is the matter with you? He killed Amy, he killed her. He obviously did. He had the reason, and he was THERE when the cops got there AFTER Amy called explaining about Sonic following him and wanting to kill her!" She shouted back at me. I rolled my eyes.

"He could not have killed her!" I snapped back as I growled.

"What is the matter with you?! Why are you defending him?! I thought you hated him!" She kept shouting at me, furious. If possible, I believe I saw her veins pop out and her face go red and I doubt that was a just 'too much blush' situation. She was honestly furious about this, not only that but she looked hurt.

Everyone was like that nowadays. They were mad yet hurt. They wanted to get Faker and turn him in, as if that would bring that brat back to them. They wanted him out of the streets, to get all this over with but at the same time they were hurting that someone they trusted with their lives did this to them.

I couldn't believe it. I just could not. He could barely even hurt a fly without feeling bad, nevertheless kill someone.

I knew something was wrong, and after seeing him thank me because I believed him, I knew I had to do something.

I hate him, I hate that faker but I cant just let these wrong news be thrown around all over the world.

If he was gone, I would have to deal with GUN and Eggman at the same time.

I hate him. But I have to figure out what happened. That way everything can be back to normal, and I will finally be able to have some peace.

Damn it hedgehog, why the hell are you always dragging me into your problems?

"I do hate him! But you know he could barely even hurt anyone without feeling hurt or crying like an idiot! He did not kill Rose!" I snapper at her. I then chaos controlled to my house since I was furious. I immediately punched the wall roughly. "Damn it!"

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