Starting Of A New Friendship

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Touya and Himiko walked, slowly, around the classroom, together and looked curiously at all of the teenagers in the room, who were, talking, laughing, and making new friends, but there was this one kid in particular who was sitting in the back of the class, in a corner,  he looked nervous, and had longish, light blue hair, covering his face, he was scratching his neck, quite a lot, which was noticeably, leaving red scratch marks all over the boy's neck, for some reason, he caught the two's eye and both Touya and Himiko had the same idea.

Touya and Himiko looked at each other, sharing the exact same, mischievous but also excited and happy expression on their faces, and at that, they nodded at each other and walked over to the blue-haired boy.

"Hiya!" Himiko said, cheerfully to the boy as her and Touya kneeled down next to him, "I'm Himiko Toga! And this is Todoroki Touya!" She gestured over to Touya, when she said his name, "We were thinking maybe you'd like some friends, you seem pretty lonely over here by yourself." Touya said, smiling warmly down at him, "I'm Tomura Shigaraki. Nice to meet you guys.." Tomura said, with a small, nervous smile, "Yeah, You too! I can tell we'll all be great friends!" She responded, "yeah.." Tomura replied, his nervousness fading away, "Aaanyways, class is starting, we should probably take our seats." Himiko said, "Yeah probably, we should hang out after class though!" Touya said, smiling, "sounds good to me!" Tomura agreed before they all took their seat like the rest of the class.

Unironically, Tomura, Himiko, and Touya, somehow managed to find three seats that were right next to each other in a perfect line in the middle row, and of course, the three chose those tables, but during the class, they didn't talk or pass notes or act up or get in trouble at all during class time, in fact, Touya even ended up getting to be, class rep Because he was such a good student.

 The three of them were happy and could already tell that this was going to be a great year, especially if they stuck around with each other throughout the whole school year, and they had already agreed to do that when they decided to be friends, and maybe even expand their friend group and get to know each other better than they already did. 

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