A Helping Friend

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"You ruined it.."
"Touya please, wait!" Keigo said, running after Touya as he ran away, then Touya stopped and turned to Keigo, with tears in his eyes, "What, Keigo?! What is there that you can explain?! You're a villain, for God's sake!" Touya yelled, "I know...and I'm sorry..I wasn't thinking, just please, Tou..give me just one more chance.." Keigo begged.

"You never think, do you?" Touya said, taking off his fingerless gloves, "Touya.." Keigo said quietly, then Touya pressed his clenched hand to Keigo's chest, "You've had your second chances, too many of them, I'm done, Keigo." Touya said as tears streamed down his face, then he dropped the small object that was in his hand onto the cold cement and just walked away.

Keigo looked down at the object that Touya dropped, with fear, sadness, regret, and hurt in his eyes, "No..no, Touya...please, no...Touya!!" He yelled out into the empty distance as tears began streaming down his face and he dropped to his knees, picking up the ring and holding it to his chest, "No..."

As Touya walked, rain began pouring down, but he didn't care, at least now his tears would blend in as they slowly fled down his cheeks, and he didn't want to go home, there were too many pictures of him, and scents and things of his, he couldn't go there now, so, he headed to the only other person's house, who he knew would be awake at this time, Shigaraki.

Touya didn't know for sure if Shig was awake at this time or not, but he sure hoped so, because he was already here and he had just knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door swung open, with a surprised-looking Shigaraki looking down at Touya as he slumped down, "Tou? what's wrong? Why are you here?" Touya kept his head down, staying silent, he tried to talk but the only thing that came out were small tears, "Touya, you know you can talk to me, right?" Shigaraki said.

That's when the flood came, there was something about those words that just made Touya hurt even more because so many people always said that, and he knew he was sad, and broken, but he'd rather keep it in and not ruin anyone else's day with his depression, but he couldn't hold it in now, and the tears just came pouring out from Touya's eyes.

"Oh, Touya.." Shigaraki said, sadly, pulling Touya into a tight hug, at which he hugged back, after they broke from the hug, and Touya's crying died down a bit, Shigaraki invited Touya inside and they sat on the couch in his living room, "So...do you wanna tell me what happened? And if It's something about why you don't have your ring?" Shigaraki asked, Touya nodded and took a deep breath, "Yeah..yeah, It's about Keigo.." He said, his voice cracking as his hands shook.

"What happened between you, then?" He asked, with a sad tone and expression, "He uh...he lied, he became a villain.." Shigaraki's eyes widened, you could tell he was very surprised, just by looking at his eyes, you could also see the sorrow and sympathy he felt for Touya from just his eyes, "Oh my God, do you know why he did it, exactly?" He asked, caringly, Touya only shook his head at this, looking down at his twitching hands.

'Why would he do that? Why would he hurt Touya like that? Wouldn't he know that doing something like that would obviously just break them apart? He's more of an idiot than I thought..' Shigaraki thought to himself, "It'll get better, I promise, and at least, now you don't have to be lied to anymore." He said, "Yeah I guess that's good..." Touya replied, leaning his head on Tomura's shoulder, "Thank you, Tomura, for being here.." Touya added, "Yeah, of course.." He responded, smiling lightly.

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