A Weight Lifted

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The next day, Touya awoke with a slight pain in his neck, "Ngh..must've slept wrong.." He mumbled, then he realized that he wasn't in his own home, he thought for a moment, then he remembered what had happened the night before, "..Crap..." He mumbled to himself as he got up and went out into the kitchen, to see Toga making breakfast.

Touya, not knowing what to say, just kind of stood in the doorway, thinking of what to say, but Himiko spotted him, "Oh..hey Tou, you alright?" She asked, cautiously,  Touya looked up, slightly surprised, "Huh? Uh..I'm fine-" The redhead started, being interrupted though.

Toga turned off the stove and walked over to Touya, looking him dead in the eye, "No you're not. You JUST told me that last night, and you're already back to lying?" She questioned, "I-" "No! I care about you Touya, so many people care about you, you know that! So why do you lie to them? To yourself even?" She asked, almost yelling.

Touya then spoke back, "Because, It's hard, okay! I can't just go up to someone like, 'Oh hey, just wanted to let you know, I'm depressed, hate myself, and often cut myself to make the pain go away!' Is that really what you expect me to do?!" He asked, "Well you can at least try to talk to someone, and not just lie to everyone!" She yelled back, "I can't! I have tried, and I've wanted to for so long I just-" he was interrupted by a hug, "You don't need to talk about it right now, Tou...but just know that we're here for you, alright?" Himiko said, "..Alright..." Touya responded, hugging the girl back.

"You don't have to smile and lie just to please other people Touya, If you want to cry, then cry, It doesn't mean you're weak, It just means that you've been too strong and fighting too hard for too long." Shigaraki said from behind them with a sad smile as he entered the kitchen, "Oh, hey Shig..thanks..both of you, for everything.." He said with a genuine but sad smile, "Yeah, of course." Responded Tomura as Himiko nodded.

"Now both of you sit down so I can make breakfast!" Toga yelled in a threatened voice, making both the males sit down at the table immediately.

After breakfast, they all hung out for a while, talked, laughed, played some board games, but when lunchtime came around, Toga left to go pick up a pizza and told Touya and Shigaraki to stay there, so they did.

They were just chilling, playing some Minecraft, you know, regular adult stuff, until Touya got up to get a glass of water, but when he got to the kitchen, he noticed a bunch of pictures, hanging from the wall, one of them being of him and Keigo laughing, their faces very close to eachothers, he carefully took it off of the wall, holding it in his hands, and just staring at it for a long time, until Shigaraki came in the room.

Tomura walked into the room, immediately seeing Touya, "Hey, Touya, what are you-" he stopped when he saw the picture in Touya's hands, "Touya.." He began, as Touya set the picture down on the counter.

Touya looked at Shigaraki, "Why do I, and everyone I love, choose people, who treat us like nothing? like jewelry, they use us just to look good, and then put us away for someone else?" Touya asked, abruptly, "Well...we choose the love that we think we deserve.." He answered, Touya looked at the ground then back at Shigaraki with a confused expression, "Why didn't you ever ask me out, then?" He asked.

Shigaraki started to rub his neck and looked over to the side, "I..I uh..I just- I didn't think that was what you'd want-?" He said, slight nervousness showing, "But what did you want?" Touya questioned, "I just wanted you to be happy." Answered Shigaraki, looking back at Touya.

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