Have We Met?

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"Hi! I'm Keigo Takami, I don't believe I've seen you three around here before." The relevantly short male said with a happy smile, the three were a bit startled by the unfamiliar voice at first but when they looked over at him and processed what he had just said, they realized he was the one who had gotten third place.

Touya was the first of the three teenagers, who were approached by the ash blonde male, "My name is Todoroki Touya, and these are my friends, Himiko Toga, and Tomura Shigaraki." the redhead said, nodding towards Himiko and Tomura as he said their names," Well it certainly is a great pleasure to meet you guys!" Hawks started with friendly tone, "Are you guys in 1B?" the winged boy asked, curiously, "Actually, no, we're in class 1A." Shigaraki answered, "Ah! That's why we haven't met up until now!" Keigo exclaimed, "Yeah, I guess that is the reason." Touya agreed.

after a few moments of pure silence went by, one of them finally spoke up, "Maybe we can hang out at lunch or after school!' Toga suggested, "We don't need to be in the same class just to hang out and be friends!" she said, encouraging the others, at which they all managed to smile at, "That sounds like a good plan." Keigo said, with a warm smile, "Agreed." Tomura said, as Touya just simply nodded in agreement.

"Keigo!" a deep voice rang out from a distance, "Oh! sounds live I've gotta go catch up with my class, but I'll see you three at lunch?" Keigo said, before running off towards his own class, "I'm comingg!!" Keigo yelled back as he left the three teens, who were starting to walk back toward their own classmates.

as the three walked, the female in the group started to speak, "So he's part of our group now?" Toga asked the two other males, "Oh he is definitely part of our group now." Touya responded, still looking at Keigo from the corner of his eye, "Yeah because he's Touya's future booyfriendddd" Tomura mocked, shaking Touya's shoulder a bit, "Oh shut up, that is not true." Touya argued, annoyed, until a big playful argument broke out between the three and that's about how they spent the rest of the time before they and their class started talking about their next test.

As The three, young students joined up with the rest of their class, they found out about the next challenge they were going to face.

Mr. Aizawa was talking about the test to all of the class as he walked, and the rest of the teenagers followed him, "..This next test is about your strength and focus. Think about how far you could throw back at your middle school, and compare it now to how far you can throw even with using your quirks this time." He explained, before stopping in front of a large grassy area.

It was a large area with a dirty white, hexagon shaped, plank right in the middle of the field. Mr. Aizawa turned around and faced his students, "Alright now, get in a single file line, about six feet away from the plank." He ordered, tiredly, at which the students all did exactly that, a boy called 'Spinner' was first, he seemed to have some type of lizard quirk, then Himiko, then Tomura, fourth was the redhead Todoroki, and the list went on.

When spinner threw the ball, he started by throwing it normally, but then he used his lizard tail to whip it even higher into the air, this was quite amusing to most of the class.

after him was Himiko, and she obviously couldn't use her quirk for something like this, but she was quite strong, though she hadn't used her quirk, she did get the ball quite far, and she was proud of herself for that.

Once Himiko threw, Shigaraki was up, he didn't really know what to do, as he had been zoning out a lot and not getting a plan ready so he did the first thing he could think of, and disintegrated the outside rubber of the baseball to make it lighter, then threw it, it was almost light enough to soar through the sky but it did end up coming down.

As Shigaraki left the plank Touya walked up with the baseball and took a deep breath, he had to strategize this so that he didn't burn the baseball or himself while throwing. After he was done thinking he finally mumbled, "It's bow or never.." Quietly and threw the ball, at the same time, sending a blast of bright blue fire trailing straight after it, luckily he didn't burn the ball, himself, or anyone else, the ball had a lot if momentum and went very high up into the air and back down, Touya let out a sigh of relief as the next student came up to throw their shot.

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