Love Is Forever

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The next day, Touya woke up very early, once again for patrol, it was just like every other day, this was just gonna be another normal day, or so he thought that is.

Touya got up out of bed and started getting ready for patrol, once he had finished getting ready, he checked his phone, seeing that he'd gotten a message, so like any other person, he checked it, "Keigo..What would he want this time of day, it's 4 AM and his patrol time isn't until like 1 he doesn't even normally wake up until 7.." The Todoroki mumbled to himself, opening up the text message.

"Hey Tou! Before you read the rest of this, no, nothing is wrong, and no you don't need to worry. Anyways, If you can make time in your schedule, I was going to ask if you could meet me by the lake after your patrol, text me when you get this, thanks! Love you!💞"

Touya let out a sigh of relief as he read that nothing was wrong but he then focused on the other things that were said through the text, "Wow, I think that's the longest thing you've ever written out, birdie." He said, as if Keigo was in the room, then he actually responded to the text.

"Hey, Keigo, I'm glad nothing's wrong, but since I don't really have anything going on, yeah, I'll be able to come to the lake at about nine, that's when my break is, also, it's really early, you should get some sleep, see you later, love.💕"

And with that last text, Touya turned off his phone and shoved it into his pocket, then he went downstairs, made some toast, and took it to go as he headed off and began his patrol.

As Touya walked along, looking for villains, his phone suddenly buzzed, he took it out of his pocket, seeing it was a text from someone, "Keigo? Again? But to his surprise, it was someone different.

-"Hey, guess who made it to the top five!"

Woah! Seriously? That's amazing!

-"Right?! I'm finally catching up to you and Keigo! Better watch out, I might take your place!"

Haha, yeah, keep telling yourself that.

-"psh, whatever. Bye Todoroki.

Bye, crusty.

And then, Touya put his phone in his pocket and continued his patrol. About four hours passed now, it was almost nine, so Touya decided to start heading over to the lake, where he said he'd meet Keigo.

When he got there, Touya saw that Keigo was already there, waiting for him, and strangely, he was a bit more dressed up than normal.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" The Todoroki joked, walking closer to Keigo, at which his head shot around at Touya with a big warm smile on his face, "Hey! Touya! You're here! Uhm..I wanted to ask you something.." He said, showing quite a lot of nervousness, "Well spit it out bird, I don't got all day!" Touya said, chuckling a bit, "Well Touya I wanted to ask you if you.." He started.

Keigo took a deep breath in and out then git down on his knees in front of Touya, who immediately covered his mouth with his hands when Keigo took a small box out of his pocket, "Touya will you spend the rest of your life with me?" Keigo asked with a nervous smile.

Touya fell to his knees and hugged Keigo, who hugged him back as they both let out a few tears, "I was gonna do that you jerk." Touya said, pressing his forehead to Keigo's, "Heh, beat you to it." The blonde responded, sliding the ring onto Touya's finger, "Oh, shut up, bird."  Touya joked, lightly pressing his lips to the other's, this was his happiness.

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