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"So, what are you two even doing here, anyway?" Touya asked, turning over to his friends, "Well, to come to get you, of course!" Toga responded, happily, "Wait, what?" Touya questioned, a bit confused, not knowing if he heard that right, "Shig told me what happened, about Takami..." She said, sadly, "Oh..." Touya said, followed by a small sigh, "But we're gonna try and help, help you get your mind off him.." Shigaraki said, slightly smiling.

Toga nodded, vigorously at what Tomura had said, "Yeah!" She exclaimed, "Okay..but, my shift's not even over yet, I can't just leave." Touya said, "We know. We just don't care! You being happy is more important than your stupid patrol anyways, there are other pros who can deal with crimes and stuff!" The blonde said, grabbing Touya's arm and practically dragging him along with her as she walked, "Well actually-" Touya started, "I wouldn't argue with her If I were you." Shigaraki whispered over to the redhead.

"Shall we go to a Café or a bar...Hmmmmm.." Toga mumbled to herself, she was never a good decision maker, even since they were in U.A. together, "To the bar, we shall go!" She exclaimed, randomly after a few moments of very, very hard thinking (after doing catch a tiger by its toe) "Okay, then, I guess." Shigaraki said, not questioning the girl's sanity, or decision making skills, as doing that would most likely, lead to his inevitable death.

After a little while of walking, Toga finally stopped in front of a small decent looking building, "We're heree!!!" She exclaimed, cheerfully, "Himiko, I can't drink, I have work tomorrow." Touya said, "I know! And I already took care of it for you!" She said, putting her hands on her hips, "Huh? How did you do that, exactly?" Touya questioned, "Kai's filling in for you, and Miruko agreed to fill in for Shig!" She said, she was always so enthusiastic about everything, no matter what the situation was, It almost scared Touya and Shigaraki sometimes, to be honest.

Touya shook his head a bit, "No, Toga, That's really not-" Touya started, but wasn't able to finish his sentence, as he was interrupted by Toga, "Let us help you be happy and not be sad about that stupid bird brain, because if you're sad, we're sad, and we don't want you to be sad. If you don't let us do this for you, I will personally cut off and eat your knee caps." Himiko threatened.

Toga's threat must've worked because, Touya immediately got wide eyed and backed up a bit, "Okay, okay- just don't take my knee caps." Touya said, giving in, he always wondered how that girl even was able to get a job in any part of the medical field with just her being well- her, "Great!" Exclaimed, cheerfully, God she was so bipolar too.

The three friends walked into the small building together, immediately hearing loud music and smelling just pure alcohol, "Out of all places, Miko?" Shigaraki questioned, scrunching up his nose a bit, "Yup!" Toga answered, walking up to the bar as the two males looked at one another, sighed and followed Toga up to the bar.

When the three sat down at the bar, they were immediately greeted by a tall, ragged looking man, assumed to be the bartender, "What can I get you three today?" He asked, politely. Despite the man's rugged, mean, looks, he was actually quite nice and he seemed pretty respectable, so that was a releif for them, though Touya and Shigaraki didn't know if he was really like that or if it was just an act because they were pro heroes.

"I'll have a red wine, and a lemon on the side!" Toga ordered, "A blue martini, mixed with the strongest tequila you have, and a side of vodka." Touya said, getting stares from both Himiko and Shigaraki in return, "Okayy, and for you?" Asked the bartender, turning to Shigaraki, "Eh, I'll just have a water-" He began, "Loser! Get him a whiskey!" Toga interrupted, loudly.

Shigaraki turned to Toga, "Himiko!" He Yelled, that's when the bartender simply backed away, not wanting to get involved in that stuff, which was probably a good decision.

"Yeah?" Himiko responded, as if she was innocent, yeah, sure, like she could fool anyone, Tomura just rolled his eyes and looked to his side.

"Anyways, Touya!" Toga said, excitedly, throwing her hands on the table, abruptly, "What?" Touya asked, slightly confused as he looked at the sharp teethed girl, "I had no Idea, you were such a heavy drinker?" She said, this time it was her turn to sound confused, "Yeah, when did that happen?" Added Shigaraki, looking in Touya's direction, "Well, if I don't have work tomorrow, then why not? It's not like I get days off very often." Answered the Todoroki, simply shrugging his shoulders as he spoke, at which Shigaraki nodded, knowing that since they were pros, they had work nearly every single day.

"Well, I guess that makes sense..just don't throw up on me." She said, sounding serious, "Don't worry, I won't, I know how to handle my alcohol." Touya replied, Himiko just shrugged her shoulders and looked forward, in her own direction, "If you say so." She said as she tapped her red nails on the countertop.

After a couple of minutes, the bartender came back with their drinks, setting each one of them in front of the three, one by one, "It's so pretty!" Toga exclaimed, excitedly as she stared at her blood red drink, Shigaraki rolled his eyes at her, "This is not what I wanted.." He mumbled to himself as he glared at the toxic smelling beverage in front of him, "Whatever, deal with it, princess." Himiko said, taking a long sip of her wine.

"So, Tou, how's Shoto doing?" Toga asked, "He's doing really good, actually, top of his class, he has a lot of good friends." Touya responded, "Sounds a lot like another Todoroki I know." Tomura said, nudging his shoulder a bit, "Yeah, wonder who that could be." Added Toga, as they both smiled, which made Touya smile as well, "Yeah, whatever." He said, taking a drink from the cup of which was in front of him, "Seriously! Make his hair all red and spikey and make both of his eyes blue, then no one would be able to tell you guys apart!" She exclaimed, "You forgot about his scar." Shigaraki said, plainly, "Oh yeah, that too, take that away, then it'd be perfect." She said, sounding a bit shy, but she didn't fool them.

The bartender came back a bit later, "How is everything, do you need anything else?" The three all looked at eachother and all responded in unison, "No, thanks." They said, "Alright then." He said, walking away, but as he walked by Toga, she whispered something that the other two didn't notice, as they had already started talking again, "Get these two the absolute strongest stuff you have here." She said, mischievously, the bartender nodded and walked off.

When the guy came back, Touya and Shigaraki were a bit surprised when a tall glass of dark liquid got set in front of both of them, they were about to question it, but the bartender had already walked away.

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