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Two years later, Touya, Shigaraki, Keigo, Toga, and everyone else at U.A. are graduating today, and everyone is excited to go off on their own as pro heroes.

"So Tou, you excited?" Toga asked, looking at him, with a smile, "Yeah..yeah uhm just a bit nervous.." Responded Touya, keeping his eyes on the mirror in front of him, Toga put a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, don't worry so much, you'll be great." The blonde female reassured him, at which Touya turned and looked at her, smiling, "Thanks, Himiko." He said, "Any time. Now come on let's get out there!" Said Toga, already running out to the stage room, Touya chuckled a bit, before following his friend out of the room.

After everyone had finished their speeches, the Touya and Shigaraki met up, expecting the other two, "That was great you guys!" Toga said, turning towards the two males, "Thanks Himiko." Shigaraki responded and Touya nodded in agreement, then Toga looked at Shigaraki and mouthed something to him, "Oh right um Touya I wanted to talk to you about somethin-" he started but was cut off, "Hey Touya! Can I borrow you for a second?" Keigo asked, approaching the three, "Oh uhm, yeah sure, just a sec, Tomura." Touya said, excusing himself from the group.

Keigo and Touya walked over to the side a bit, but not far enough that Toga and Shigaraki couldn't hear, "So what did you want to talk about?" Touya asked, curiously, "Well uh..I've liked you for a while now, as in like, more than a friend...I guess what I'm trying to ask is if you'd be my boyfriend?.." Keigo asked with a nervous smile, Toga and Shigaraki's eyes both widened when they heard this and Toga prayed that he'd say no, "Seriously?! I mean..uh yeah, yeah! of course!" Touya answered, hugging Keigo.

a small tear slipped down Shigaraki's face as the two males walked back over, but he quickly swiped at it so that no one noticed, "So Tomura what did you want to talk to me about-" Touya had started asking, "Nothing. It's nothing. I should probably be getting going now though, see you guys around." Shigaraki said, before quickly walking off, 'weird..why would he-' Touya's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the sounds of everyone around him yelling out the same thing, "Endeavor!!" so he was here too, huh?

"Congratulations Touya. I truly am proud of you." said the flame hero, reaching out his hand to the boy in front of him, "" Touya responded, shaking his father's hand, before a small child ran up and hugged Touya's leg, "So are you a pro hero now Tou-Tou?" Shoto asked, looking up at Touya, "I will be soon." Touya answered with a smile and scruffed up Shoto's hair.

After the graduation party was over and everyone had said their goodbyes, Touya headed straight outside in the direction of where Shigaraki had gone earlier, and he knew exactly where to find him. "Hey." Touya said as he walked up by the lake, behind Shigaraki, who was sitting on a rock, near the water, "Hey." he said blankly, without looking up, "So are you gonna tell me why you just left out of nowhere?" Touya asked, looking down at the boy with his hands in his pockets, "Reasons." responded the blue-haired boy as he threw a rock into the water, "Reasons I can't know?" Touya questioned, Shigaraki finally stood up and looked Touya in the eyes, "Listen, I liked you, okay? but then Keigo asked you out so I just left." he said, "Tomura, I had no idea.." Touya stuttered out, "It's fine, as long as you're happy..but if he hurts you, just know, Touya, that I'll be here, waiting for you, no matter how long I might have to."

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