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After the throwing tests were over, the classes all went back into the building and headed to lunch.

There was a fairly small table in the back, quiet area of the cafeteria, that was the table that Touya, Himiko, and Shigaraki went to before anyone else could take it. The three talked about class subjects mostly and what they would do once they were pro heroes.

As the three teenagers talked, they were interrupted when they heard a loud, excited voice coming over to them, "Heyy!! Toga, Shigaraki, and uhm.. Todoroki! Right?" The winged boy said excitedly, as he approached the three, "Yep! That's right!" The female of the group responded, happily as the two males nodded in response to the blonde, "Is it alright if I sit here?" Keigo asked, mentioning towards an empty seat at the table, "Yeah of course!" Himiko said, with a warm smile, as Keigo sat on the right side of Himiko, facing Touya.

"Soo..what are your guys' Backstories? Like where do you come from?" Touya asked, curiously, to which Keigo responded, "My family's cool, we have game nights every once in a while and they help me control my quirk and encourage me to be a hero!" Keigo responded, "What about you, Toga?"

Toga looked down at that, but responded, "My parents abandoned me out in the streets when I got my quirk and told me I could never be a hero so I came here to prove them wrong because I want to be good!" Toga exclaimed, getting happier as she hot further into her answer.

Shigaraki cleared his throat, realizing it was his turn, "Well uhm... My parents got in a car crash when I was still very young, and I was sent to an orphanage with my older sister, Hana, but she soonly died of a deadly sickness and ever since I changed my name and I've been going from home to home, trying to find a family but I try to not think of that because It's not gonna stop me from becoming what I want to be." Tomura said with a sad smile. "What about you Touya? What's your story?"

"Well, I was born as an only child and It stayed like that for a while, my father trained me so that I could become the number one pro hero but when he realized I wasn't Immune to my flames he tried to have another child to live up to him, that was my younger sister, Fuyumi, two years after her birth came my brother, Natsuo and another two years later, they had my youngest brother Shoto. My father still trains me and plans to start training Shoto when he's old enough too. Recently my father got me into UA and believes that I'll surpass him and All Might and that's what I plan to do." The redhead Todoroki explained, leaving a few parts out.

The other three teens were about to comment on what the Todoroki had just said but were cut off as the bell rang and the teens headed off to their class.

as the three students who were in 1A got to their next class, they took their seats, they were taught English by Present Mic, he was a good teacher but he could get really annoying really fast, along with giving you a headache. Toga was probably the best at English out of the whole class, and the best at dealing with Present Mic and not getting annoyed, it was a talent the rest of the class wished they had.

At the end of the day, everyone raced out of their classes at almost lightning pace, four in particular students met up not far from the exit though, with their bags, "Hey so can you guys meet up today?" Shigaraki asked the other three, "Actually, I have to take care of my siblings today.. feel free to hang out without me though, you don't need to wait up for me." the Todoroki responded, genuinely, "No, no, it's fine! but we're not hanging out without you, we need the whole squad if we do that." Toga said, smiling, "Agreed." Shigaraki agreed as Keigo nodded his head in agreement.

"Anyways, I should get going, I can see my ride from here, see you guys Tomorrow!" Keigo said, waving, before running off, as the others waved back. "we should probably all be getting going huh? plus we don't want to keep Todoroki's siblings waiting!" Toga suggested, with a small giggle, "Yeah, I suppose that's true." Touya responded, with a small chuckle, "Well I guess I'll see you two tomorrow, Toga said, waving to the two males as she walked and soon enough they were all separated, walking in different directions.

Touya slouched down as he walked home with his head looking down, his backpack was swung over his left shoulder. The Todoroki kept getting closer and closer to the place he called home, slouching more and more with every step closer, Once he was there, Touya just stood there, staring up at the rather large door of which he was about to enter through, "Home sweet home..." The male mumbled to himself quietly.

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