Still Together

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It's been eight years now since graduation, Touya is twenty-four now and started his own hero agency with Keigo, and Shoto started going to U.A a few months ago, Touya and Shigaraki still keep in touch every once in a while, even if it's not a lot.

Touya and Keigo; better known as Blue Pheonix and Hawks, were in their hero outfits patrolling the area, when Touya broke the silence, "Hey, did you hear about that new villain? People are saying he's pretty tough, we need to be on our watch." He glanced over at Keigo, "Yeah I agree, seems like someone like him could take down this whole city if he wanted to." Keigo responded, "Well I don't know about a whole city-"

Touya was about to finish his sentence when three small children came running up to him and Keigo, "Mr. Hawks! Blue Pheonix! Can we pleasee get an autograph!!" One of them begged, Touya chuckled a bit, "Yeah, of course, you can." He said, smiling warmly at them, one girl handed him three sheets of paper, Touya wrote a small note on the paper and signed it with his hero signature, then handed it over to Keigo, who did the same, then handed the paper back to the kids, "Yay!! Thank you so much!" They all said and quickly hugged Touya then Keigo, then they ran off.

Touya smirked over at Keigo, "They liked me better." He said, getting a scoff in return from Keigo, "They did not. I have wings, you just have stupid fire. They liked me better." He responded with a glare, "Okay um, first of all, It's cool because It's blue, meaning It's much hotter than normal fire. And second, you wouldn't be calling it stupid, if I burnt those wings of yours off right now." He said, igniting a small blue fire in his hand and pointing it in the direction if Keigo, "You wouldn't." Keigo said, taking a small step closer to Touya, "wanna bet?" Touya threatened, that's when Keigo knew he wasn't kidding, therefore, flying upwards, before Touya had the chance to burn him.

 "Oh, so you wanna play that game huh?" Touya said, smirking, Keigo gulped and stayed silent, Touya was so unpredictable, if he was a double agent, no one would ever find out, or if he was hiding anything, it'd be hidden, you never knew what to expect from this man, that's why Keigo was always so worried when he said stuff like this, he never knew what would happen, Keigo was interrupted from his thoughts just as a huge blast of cobalt blue fire shot through the air, It swept right past the front of his face, it definitely could've hit him if Touya had wanted it to, but Keigo guessed he was gonna live today.

At that thought, he flew down right next to Touya, with his arms crossed, "Aww, did I make the little birdie mad??" Touya mocked, "hmph." Keigo pouted, "Okay, well if you're so upset, I'll just go then." Touya said, walking away from Keigo.

Once Touya had gotten to the bottom of the hill, he stopped and smirked, "" At that exact moment, Keigo cane jumping right onto Touya's back, at which the redhead hero laughed a bit, he knew it, "Hmph!" The winged hero pouted, leaning his head on Touya's shoulder, "You can't just leave me like that!" Keigo pouted even more, "Is that so, then?" Touya questioned, raising a pierced eyebrow at what the blonde had said, at which, he only nodded viciously, "Heh, okay then." Chuckled the redhead, ruffling up Keigo's already messy hair.

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