The Mission

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A few days have passed now, Touya has told the Hero Commission about Keigo actually being the villain, 'Icarus' they did some digging to confirm it, and they outed him to the world, and he was removed from all access to the heroes technology and from the pro heroes list, resulting in everyone who was behind him, of the pros, moving up a rank.

The HQ thanked Touya for finding this out and for the information, they knew about Touya and Keigo and they knew how hard It must've been for him to handle, they all said their apologies to him and told him all that "It'll get better." "He didn't deserve you anyways." You know, all that sappy stuff.

Though everyone was apologizing to Touya, Endeavor stayed out of all of it of course, he never really even liked Hawks, anyways, but little did Touya or anyone else know, he did feel a bit of sorrow for Touya, he was his own son, after all, but he wasn't gonna tell anyone that he actually cared.

A couple of days after Touya exposed Takami, the top pros called him to a private meeting.

"So why did I need to come here?" Touya asked as he took a seat at the large table in the middle of the room, "We're gonna get right to the point here," Best Jeanist began, "We need you to capture and bring the ex-hero Hawks, now going by, Icarus to prison." Said Endeavor, as if it were so simple, Touya's eyes immediately widened when he heard this.

"You're the only one who can do it, he won't trust anyone but you, Blue Pheonix." Said Spinner, who was one of the pros that Touya often worked with and they considered one another as friends, rather than acquaintances, then Compress spoke, "But, we understand If you don't want to, we know It's been hard for you this past week or so, so if you decline-" Touya interrupted him as he spoke though, "No, no, it's fine, I'll do it." Touya said, firmly.

All of the pros' eyes widened when Todoroki had said that, "Wait, really? Just like that?" Asked Twice, "Yeah, It's my duty, plus I'm gonna have to do this if I wanna get to number one." He said, looking over at Endeavor from the corner of his eye, who just glared at him, "Well, we're glad you're doing this, we know how hard it is for you." Said Miruko, bowing her head towards Touya, slightly.

After the meeting, Touya left the building and began thinking out a plan to capture Takami, would he even care anymore? Would he actually even trust him? This whole mission was a one chance, risking everything, kind of thing, If everything didn't go perfectly the very first time, it was all going to fail, which meant, he had to be very precise and very cautious.

The next day came by, quickly, today was the day of Touya's personal mission that was probably gonna cost the lives of thousands at risk if he didn't do it perfectly. But hey, no pressure, right? 'Tch, yeah whatever, keep saying that, we all know It's not true.' That's what Touya thought to himself, every time someone said that.

Touya got his normal work clothes on, which was just his hero suit, and did everything else that was necessary of him to get through the day, as Touya got ready, he kept coming across pictures of him and Keigo, and things that used to be Keigo's, but he couldn't focus on those things right now, he needed to focus on his mission, which was just simply to find, fool, capture, and throw Keigo into prison, seemed easy enough, he already knew all of Keigo's weak points, so that would be helpful, later when he was capturing Keigo.

Soon, once Touya had finished getting ready, he left his house and started to head over to the place where he first found out about Keigo being a villain, hoping to find the winged male, somewhere around there.

To his surprise, as Touya walked through alleys, he immediately knew that Takami had found him first, when he heard his voice coming from behind him, "Touya..?" He asked, cautiously, and Touya turned to face him, "Hey, birdie.."

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