Accidental Confessions

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!!!Warning: Mention of self harm!!!
"Weird, must be a present since you guys are in the top five!" Himiko said, acting as if she was innocent, Shigaraki and Touya both looked at one another with the same, bored, unfooled look, then at Himiko, "What did you do?" They both asked, blankly in unison, "I didn't do anything! Just drink it!" She exclaimed.

Touya and Shigaraki obviously didn't believe her, but since they knew she wasn't going to poison them or anything, they both shrugged and took a long sip of the beverage, and to their surprise, it was actually really good, It didn't even taste like alcohol, It was like...I wouldn't even be able to explain it, to be honest, but it was addicting to the two, and probably anyone else who would drink it.

After about 15 minutes, the boys had both had at least 12 of that same drink each, and they were full-out drunk by now, "Maybe more-" Touya started, "Nope, I think it's time for you both to leave." Toga interrupted, grabbing both of their arms and pulling them out of the bar, "Noo-" began Touya again, "Yep, we're leaving." Toga said as she pulled them down the sidewalk.

Eventually, Toga had gotten the two boys to her house and into the living room, her house was the closest and she had a few guest rooms that her friends could stay in, plus she couldn't just leave them alone in this condition.

"Why are we" Shigaraki asked, dizzily, "Because I don't trust you guys alone while you're drunk." She responded, closing and locking the door behind her, "Don't worry, we wouldn't trust you either, crazy." Touya said, walking around the room, "Excuse me?" Himiko asked, sounding offended, "You heard me." Touya responded leaning against a wall.

"That alchohol's really gotten to your head, huh?" She asked, not really expecting a straight answer, "Maybe so.. But I know what I'm talking about." He answered, Toga was quite surprised by his answer, she was about to say something but before she could, Touya spoke first.

"I lied, by the way." He said, blankly, "What? Lied about what? Takami?" She questioned, confused, "Remember all those times you asked me if I was okay?" He asked, with an emotionless tone and expression, "And I said I was fine. I lied." Toga made a surprised and worried expression, "Touya..." She muttered.

Toga stayed silent for a moment, not able to find the right words to say, so Touya spoke instead, "I'm broken. I'm sad, I can't handle all this pressure that's always being put on me, I feel numb, every day, everyone thinks that I have a perfect life and that I'm happy but I'm not..and I don't want to tell anyone because I don't want to be a bother with all my problems but I want to cry, I want to scream, I want to end it, but I can't...because despite the fact that I am so broken and in so much pain, I'm scared, I am so scared of hurting other people, that I don't let myself get that far...and no matter how much I just want to die, I am more scared about how other people will feel, so I suffer...alone...I don't want other people to feel the way I do..because I care about others much more than I will ever care about myself..." That's when he stopped.

At this point, quite a few tears had rolled down Touya's face, and Himiko just wrapped her arms around him, so tightly, as if they hadn't seen each other in forever, "I'm so sorry Touya...I'm sorry I didn't realize, I'm sorry I wasn't there, I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." She said as tears poured down her face, "It's not your fault, Miko...You don't need to feel sorry for me..." Touya said as he hugged his female friend back, and as all of this was going on, Shigaraki was just standing in the middle of the kitchen, behind them, frozen as he listened, his heart breaking for Touya, "Poor Touya..." He mumbled to himself, not heard by the other two.

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