Love, What've You Done?

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It's now been another month.

It's a Wednesday morning, there's only 3 days left before Keigo and Touya's wedding.

"Love, wake up. I'm not letting you sleep in again, today, I need to go to work." Touya said, nudging Keigo's limp shoulder, lightly, "Mmm...five more minutes.." Keigo responded, "No, get up, I need to get ready." He ordered, strictly but softly, "pleaseee" Keigo said, looking up at Touya.

"Get up. Or you're wearing the dress." Touya said plainly, which made Takami immediately jump up, "Thank you." Touya said, finally being able to get up, "hmph!" Keigo pouted, crossing his arms, "Aww, love, don't pout, you know I love you, I always will no matter what." Touya smiled and kissed Keigo's forehead, then he went off and got ready.

That's when Keigo began actually thinking about what he'd done, he'd killed people, hurt people, lied to people, lied to Touya, "But would you still love me if you knew what I'm doing?.." He mumbled to himself sadly, he was starting to regret what he was doing, but everything he was doing he was doing for Touya right?.....

A few hours had gone by now, at this time, Keigo and Takami were out on patrol together, talking about everything that had been going on recently, "Hey have you heard about that new villain, They say he's calling himself Icarus, you know, we used to call you that, always flying too close to the sun." Touya asked as him and Keigo walked, "Yeah, I've heard of him, heard he's pretty strong. And in my case, I was flying too close to you." Keigo responded, "Yeah, exactly." Touya said back.

The two laughed and talked as they walked on their patrol, this was a normal kind of conversation they had, but Keigo was now quite worried being wirh Touya, talking about this, talking about him...

It's 11 at night now, Takami was just hanging out with the league, when he decided to go get some fresh air, he wouldn't be recognized with his villain uniform on; which was, a black turtle neck, dark red leather jacket, black ripped jeans, tall black leather boots, and to top it off, a dark red mask much like his hero one and a black bird mask, which covered his mouth and nose, but he definitely didn't expect what was coming for him.

Keigo had been outside, just walking in the rain when he heard a familiar voice, "I've caught you, villain." That voice- he knew that voice, he heard that soft, warm, soothing voice every day; Touya, but this time, it was harsh, and cold, he looked back to see Blue Pheonix from the corner if his eye, and then he ran, he ran as fast as he could, trying to escape from the hero.

After Touya had chased Keigo, practically around the whole city, he finally had Keigo cornered in a small alley.

"I have you now, villain, there's nowhere for you to run." Touya said, he'd never got a close up look at this villain, Icarus, but he was about to, "who are you really?" Touya questioned, walking closer to Icarus, who was looking down and staying silent, "really? No answer? I guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way."

Touya got closer to Keigo and lifted his head up, forcing him to face him, but when Touya looked at Icarus' facial features, he saw who he was, immediately jumping back, "Keigo..." He said quietly, Keigo took off his mask so he could speak, "Touya please...let me explain-"  "What have you done, Keigo? There's nothing to explain." Touya said, "You ruined it.."

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