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The young Todoroki had finally taken a breath and worked up the courage to open the door to the six-person household, and as soon as he walked through the door, he was immediately being as his siblings would call 'hugged' but really he was about to suffocate with his three younger siblings' squeezing him like he had just come back from the army.

"Hey, guys!" the redhead managed to say, as he picked up his siblings one by one and set them down gently on the couch, "Hi hi!" the youngest of the four children responded, cheerfully, "Hi Tou! We heard you got to go to UA!" Natsuo exclaimed, excitedly, Touya chuckled at this a bit, "Yeah I did, who told you?" Touya answered, with a smile, "Well, when we asked dad where you were after school, he said you got into UA!" the one female replied, "Really? Well, let's forget about UA and go have some fun? Sound good?" Touya requested, with a bright and warm smile, "Yeah!" said Fuyumi, "Okay!" agreed Natsuo, Shoto just nodded his head very quickly and smiled up at Touya.

With that, Touya stood up, along with his first two siblings, Shoto on the other hand stood on the couch and reached his hands up at Touya, just simply saying, "Up up?" Touya of course,gave in and picked his little brother up so that he could climb on his shoulders, all he wanted was for his siblings to have a good life, or just a good childhood at least, they never had good parents and he knew that they never would, so he wanted to be the best brother he could, especially with Shoto, because he knew that dad would be wanting to 'train' him soon, just like he had Touya.

Touya led Natsuo and Fuyumi to the door and outside of the house, he made sure he grabbed his key on the way out and locked the door behind them. "So where are we going Touya?" Natsuo asked, looking up at his big brother, Touya hadn't really thought about that but he had a few ideas, "Well, I was thinking we could go get some ice cream and then we can go hang out at the park for a while." Touya said, glancing down at the white-haired boy, "Yay!" Exclaimed Shoto, with a big smile.

After the children had gotten their ice cream and played at the park for a while it was time to head home, they were all exhausted and tired, plus dad would probably be home soon, once they got home, Shoto had already fallen asleep so all Touya had to do was bring him to his room and tuck him in, Fuyumi and Natsuo, on the other hand, on the other hand were half asleep and fell asleep almost as soon as they hit their beds. Touya was tired too but he couldn't go to sleep, tomorrow was Shoto's birthday, so he was responsible for decorating and baking, just because he knew no one else would, and he wanted to make his birthday happy for the most part since he knew he would never have a good birthday again.

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