Friends and Strangers

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Later in the day, it was about 11 AM now, and Keigo had finally decided to awaken from his seemingly endless slumber.

"Mmm..Good morning." Keigo yawned, starting to sit up, "Good morning, birdie." Touya responded with a warm smile, "Did you sleep well?" He asked, Keigo nodded in response, "You hungry?" Keigo's head perked up at those words, "I'll take that as a yes." Touya chuckled, "Can you make karaage?" Keigo asked Touya with those wide, golden, melted caramel like eyes if his, Touya sighed, "At this time of day?"  "Pleasee, you always make it the bestt!!" Keigo begged, and of course, Touya couldn't say no to that.

After eating, Keigo and Touya both got ready and by time they were done, it was about time for Keigo's patrol, so Touya left to go to some Hero Commission meeting while Keigo was on patrol, or so he thought.

Today was the day, Keigo was gonna take the first step to make sure Touya was his and no others' so instead of going on his normal patrol, he headed on towards somewhere he'd only been on very important missions, but now it was for Touya.

As Keigo walked, there were a million thoughts running through his mind; 'was this right?' 'What if Touya found out?' What if some other hero found out?' 'What if this didn't work?' 'Would the league even except him?' 'Maybe I should turn back.' But before he could think any more, he was there, standing un front if a tall, abandoned bar, in an alley, home of the League of Villains.

This was it. If Keigo did this, there would be no turning back, but as ling as he had Touya in the end, it was worth it.

Keigo walked into the building, revealing 6 rugged, mean looking figures, "I would like to join the League of Villains." The blonde said, plainly, they gave him a thurogh inspection, a series of tests, before they actually responded to what he had said, "Welcome to the team, Newbie." Said a tall girl, who had a side shaved cut and quite a lot of peircings and tattoos, definitely not more than Touya though, she was also wearing only leather, "The Name's Sirius." The girl said, holding out her hand, this was definitely their leader, "Takami Keigo.."

It's now been two weeks since Keigo joined the league.

"Sup, losers?" Touya said, pulling out a chair at the table, across from Tomura, "Who do you think you're talking to, fire boy?" Himiko said, lightly punching Touya's arm as he purposely sat in the chair the wrong way, "Excuse me, your majesty, but I'm the best pro hero ever." Touya replied, "yeah, totally, I'll agree with that when you catch up to Ende-" Toga started, as Touya extended his arm, right towards Himiko, igniting his fire, "Say his name, and I'll turn you into a pile of ash." He threatened, seriously, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" Touya put his arm down.

"So, how's your internships going?" Tomura asked, curiously, "Horrible. I have to deal with my little brother all over again, but this time, he's a teenager, and he made me intern his dumb boyfriend too, but he's a little cocky idiot and we hate eachother but yeah, how about yours?"  "Oh yeah, It's great, all the kid talks about is becoming a good hero and saving everyone and being just like All Might and he's always mumbling and scribbling in his notebook, and he breaks his bones every time he uses his quirk." Tomura replied.

"Dang, sounds like that sucks." Toga commented, "Yeah, whatever. Anyways, Todoroki, where's Takami, you guys are usually always together?" Shigaraki questioned, "Oh he had some meeting or something he had to go to so he couldn't make it." Touya answered, "I swear, If he hurt him I am going to personally, rip out that stupid bird's skull..." Himiko mumbled, only loud enough for Tomura to hear, "What's that?" Touya asked, curiously, "Oh, nothing! It really sucks that he couldn't come." She lied, "Yeah, he wanted to come, but apperently his meeting had already been planned months in advance or something like that.

Meanwhile, as Touya, Shigaraki, and Himiko spoke, Takami was also having his own conversation at this 'meeting' of his.

"Hey! Everyone, we got a new recruit! He joined today, and he's  gonna be our double agent to spy on the heroes for us." Kendo yelled from the top of the table, she was one of those really serious kind of people, that was quite obvious.

"And, how do we know he's not gonna spill our information out to the heroes?" Questioned a mysterious voice coming from the shadows, "he won't. Not this one." Said another female voice, "Name's Hana Shimura, over there is just Orca, don't worry about him." The girl said, jesturing to the male with a covered face, "Yeah, he hates everyone, I'm  by the way, on the couch is Shirakumo and over at the bar are Setsuno, Rappa, and Nemoto." The girl said calmly.

Takami noticed right away, that most if the League had some sort of mask and he also saw that Kendo was a girl from U.A, she must have been a double agent too, she was the class rep of 1B too, Keigo never would have guessed that she would be a double agent, she seemed so...genuine,

"Well, as you know, I'm Takami, I'm glad to be working with you guys, and I assure you, I will not be spilling any information to the heroes." He reassured them, "Well of course you won't, we know that," Hakari said, walking over by Keigo, "Because if you do, I'm gonna cut you." She said with a smile, psychotically, sharpening a knife as she spoke, guess she reminded him a lot of Himiko, if he was being honest with himself.

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