The 'Incident'

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The day after Shoto's party was pretty normal, they all woke up like they normally did, went to school, talked with their friends, walked home, but Touya had stayed after school for a while to hang out with Shigaraki, Toga, and Keigo.

It was a warm, sunny day and the four were at a park, near U.A, it was empty so they decided to chill out on the swings, they started off talking about their grades, and tests, but soon enough, they weren't even talking anymore, they were making jokes, and lightly slapping each other.

"Ever tried using chapstick, crusty?" Touya joked, referring to his scarred mouth, "HEY!! At least I don't burn myself every time I use my quirk!" The light-haired boy responded, "Oh, you better take that back." Touya threatened, "Nope." Shigaraki said, smirking.
soon enough the two boys were chasing each other around the whole park, shouting threats at each other, as the other two teenagers laughed at them.

After a while Keigo finally walked over in the middle of the park, "Hey, can't we just agree that you guys are both crusty idiots and need to take care of yourselves better?" He joked, at which the other two boys froze and glared at the winged male, "Get him." They both said in unison, running towards him, "Ooh, Keigo your 'bout to die today."  The blonde female said from across the park, as Keigo flew upwards to get away from Touya and Shigaraki.

About an hour went by and it was time for the four friends to go their separate ways, they said their goodbyes and headed off home.

When Touya got home he was halfway up the stairs, planning to just chill in his room but before he could, he heard the horrifying sound of screaming and crying, and he knew exactly who that was, that was Shoto, so without another thought, he sprinted down the stairs, straight to the kitchen, only to see his own mother, pouring boiling hot water onto his brother's face, Touya quickly scooped up Shoto, into his arms, as the rest of the water splashed onto the tiled floor, "Shh, it's okay Sho, It's okay.." Touya assured his crying brother, as he quickly carried him up to his room.

Touya sat Shoto down on his bed, and got out the medical kit from the cabinet, Touya kneeled down in front of Shoto, softly stroking the side of his face, "Don't worry, Shoto, It won't hurt for much longer." The redhead said, softly, wrapping up the small boy's face, at the place where he had been burned, "Oh poor little Shoto.." Touya whispered to himself, as he finished bandaging the boy and hugged him.

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