For Shoto

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The next day, Touya woke up early, to make sure everything was ready for his brother's birthday, he wished he could invite some of his friends over but the problem there was he didn't have any due to their father not letting them out of the house.

 As Touya was putting some streamers up, he heard a small voice coming from behind him, "What are you doing Tou?" asked Fuyumi, looking at her older brother curiously, Touya smiled warmly and set the other streamers on the table before kneeling down to the height of Fuyumi, "Well I'm decorating, because today is a special day." Touya answered, Fuyumi thought for a moment, "Shotoo.." Touya reminded her, almost immediately getting a response, "Shoto's birthday!!" she exclaimed, "Yep, wanna help me set up?" Touya asked, standing back up, "What can I do?"

"Grab the cake out of the fridge and unwrap it then just put it out on the counter." Touya answered her, putting some streamers up again. Fuyumi ran over to the fridge and grabbed the cake out very carefully, "Fuyumi, if you drop that I swear-" Touya warned her, glaring at her from the corner of his eye, "I know, I know! I got it, it's not gonna fall." Fuyumi reassured her brother, "You better not." Touya mumbled, at which Fuyumi just rolled her eyes.

About an hour later, the two older children heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and sure enough it was Shoto and Natsuo, they didn't notice their older siblings until they got to the bottom of the stairs and looked up to see them standing on either side of Shoto's cake, "Happy Birthday Shoto!" They both exclaimed, with the same nuce, warm, smiling expression on their face, as Natsuo hugged him and Shoto just stared up at them, with the biggest smile and bright look in his eyes, as if some mystical creature just showed up in the kitchen.

Finally, after daydreaming for a while, Shoto ran up to his older siblings and hugged them as tight as he could, at which the two did the same, "So Shoto, ready to have the best day if your life?" Fuyumi asked, excitedly, "Yeah!" Shoto responded, nodding eagerly. "What do you want to do first? Cake, presents?-" Touya was about to go on but the small boy in front of him, interrupted abruptly before he could, "Presents!" He said, practically jumping up in the air, "Alright then." Said Touya leading the three over to the couch where a small pile of presents awaited them.

The three younger children sat down in front of the presents, Shoto in the middle, as Touya handed him his first present. Shoto thanked his brother and immediately started tearing the wrapping paper off, "An All Might action figure! Thanks Tou!!" The boy said, waving the toy in the air for a while before he opened the rest of his presents. When Shoto had finally finished opening all of his presents, he ended up with, an All Might action figure, a toy car, a sketch book, a pack of colored pencils, and a small, fake U.A ID card, because Touya new he always wanted to go to U.A. 

After the party was over, and the four were all happy, they all gave Shoto one last hug for the day and told him 'Happy Birthday' They could tell Shoto enjoyed his birthday, Touya was most happy about that because he wanted Shoto to have one last happy day before dad started 'training' with him.

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