An Average Day

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It was an average day for Y/N L/N. Watching anime, school, video games, oh, and more anime. She was just living an average Otaku life.

'Man, school's so boring. Maybe I should text my best friend; Christina.' I thought while on my phone in class.

Me: "Hey Chrischris! Watchya' doin'?"

Christina: "Learning."

Me: "Yeah right, you've been on your phone for the past five minutes."

Christina: "T.T alright you got me. I was playing that new RPG game. Ark Knights."

Me: "XD wow that's so like you!"

Christina: "You know you love me."

Me: "How could I not love my Laifu~!"

Christina: "Stop. My boyfriend might get jealous."

Me: "Oh~, you mean your husbando Mika~!"

Christina: "T-T He's real in my heart!"

I laughed at that a little. But I have to admit. Guren Ichinose is also real in my heart.

"Miss L/N, do you mind sharing what is funny. I'm sure we all would like to hear it." Ms.Brandly, the teacher, said.

"Uh... I was just remembering a line from a T.V. show I watched last night." I said.

"Oh? Do share." Ms.Brandly said.

She's one of those teachers that like to pry into everything fun and ruin the fun for everyone by being strict about whatever a person's doing.

"I can... However... " I got out of my desk, got down on one knee.

Christina saw me and did the same. Which the teacher was not happy about.

"I refuse." We said in sync.

The teacher turned bright red. She looked like she was going to explode from anger. She went to her desk got two slips of paper. Wrote down our names. Slammed the papers on our desks.

"Detention! Both of you! And go to the office, now!" She yelled, pushing us out of the room and slamming the door behind us.

We blinked.

"Hasn't she ever heard of a JoJo's reference?" I said.

"Guess not." Christina said.

We walked slowly to the office. Until an idea hit me.

"Christina! Why don't we just ditch. We're just going to be in the office for the rest of the day. Why not leave and go to my house. It's not like we have parents waiting for us at home to yell at us." I said, kind of sad at the last statement.

"True. Let's go, I want to see my husbando Mika-kun~!" She said smiling.

Christina only smiles when it comes to people she loves. Me being one of them. Everyone else is just a pokerface since neither of us have seen either of our birth parents since birth.

When we went to the same school we naturally became best friends since we had the same story and liked similar things.

Once we got to my house I got the snacks while she was starting up and getting the show ready to watch.

The popcorn bowl was filled. We got (Favorite/Candy), two bottles of water and two cups for the liter of Mountain Dew we bought earlier this week.

Once everything was ready, I brought it out (Christina helped me.), and we started a marathon of Owari no Seraph.

Once we got to the first battle between Mika and Guren we talked about who is stronger.

"Of course Mika is stronger!" Christina said adamantly.

"No way! Guren is a Lieutenant. There's no way he could lose. Plus, I bet he was holding back a little." I said, continuing to watch.

She kept silent and watched the screen fascinated.

Before we knew it we both dozed off. Sleep taking over.

Little did we know the screen lit up and we disappeared into the screen. Unaware of the adventures that lied ahead.

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