Is This How It Ends?

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Mika and I finally arrived at the airport.

I ran to where I just saw Kureto Hiragi kill all of Narumi's squad.

"Mika, stay back for now. If they see me with you they'll think of me as a traitor. Keep watch over here until the other vampires get here." I said to him and he nodded in agreement.

I ran quickly.

Just as Narumi was about to be attacked I jumped in the air and blocked the blow.

I panted.

"Honorable deaths? Hah! Don't make me laugh. An honorable death happens when you die by an enemy in battle. Unless..." I glared up at Kureto Hiragi dead in the eyes.

My eyes devoid of any emotion.

I give this look only to the people I despise the most in the world.

"Unless, you are saying you're our enemy. Kureto Hiragi." I said still glaring at him.

He gasped at my glare taken aback at my unwavering gaze.

He then collected himself and started chuckling.

"I was wondering where the Angel herself is at a time like this."

"Shut up! Someone like you doesn't have the right to talk about me in such a casual manner. Because of you, many of our troops are dead. If you really are the next leader of the Demon Army I would question where my loyalty would stay. Because if someone like you is going to be running an army. Then I refuse to follow any more of these ridiculous orders. I mean, you sent us on a suicide mission. Much like the Americans did to dark skinned soldiers back in the Civil War! All of you damn Hiragi's are insane!" I yelled at him.

"And you're still that hotheaded girl that I like. Men, protect Y/N and Shinoa from any incoming blows. I need Y/N for later and Shinoa. Even if you don't act like it, you're still a Hiragi." Kureto said looking at Shinoa who grit her teeth together in defiance.

"Fine Shinoa. You don't want to live. Die then." Kureto said sending incoming chains her way from inside a sealed box.

Yuu then went in front of her and blocked the blows from hitting her.

"You alright, Shinoa?" Yuu asked her.

"Yeah." She said nodding.

"Nice save." Kimizuki said to Yuu.

Mika then walked up to us.

"I told you. We shouldn't have come. This is a huge mess. Humans attacking other humans. Just look." Mika said to us turning to look around.

"Actually, in my world where vampires and demons are just mythical creatures that are in books, humans fighting humans isn't all that uncommon. Especially in a war like this one. And some people go so far as to  become criminals who murder other people. The world is a dark and scary place out there. Especially if you're an orphan and are living on the streets with no food or shelter and no money on you. Especially when you try avoiding street gangs, or even the Mafia..." I said having flashbacks of my other life.

They all turned to look at me.

"Just what type of world did you live in?" Mika asked me.

"Uhh... A Democracy?" I said as though the answer was obvious with how I acted so freely.

"Oh right I forgot that we live in a Dictatorship." I said looking down.

"Anyway that's not the problem. Right now, we need to handle this situation." Kimizuki said looking at the giant metal box in front of us with chains sticking out.

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