The Objective

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We were on our way the meet up place that Guren wanted us to meet up with the rest of the Army at.

Kimizuki was driving, Yuu was in the passenger seat, Shinoa and Mitsuba were sitting next to each other in the back left side of the car and Yoichi and I sitting across from them.

"Where are we going Shinoa? Relying on you to navigate for us is getting kind of annoying." Kimizuki said.

"Well, if we stay on this road, we'll eventually end up in Hakone. There we could soak in the hot spring, eat a feast, and then wake up relaxed and refreshed! Doesn't that sound like paradise, you guys?" Shinoa joked while smiling slyly.

"Yes, that does sound real nice if it were true. But it's not. What's the real reason Mitsuba, Shinoa?" I asked while looking at the pair.

"We're really headed to Ebina." Mitsuba said.

"Ebina? I don't think I've heard of it." Yuu said.

"Honestly, I'd rather go to Hakone." Yoichi said and I agreed with him.

"Me too." I said crossing my arms and nodded my head.

"Oh, definitely. But I'm afraid a vacation just isn't in the cards. Nagoya is our final destination." Shinoa said.

"Nagoya. Are you there, Mika?" Yuu said under his breath.

I turned to him.

"Don't worry Yuu. You'll see Mika again. I'm sure of it." I said to him giving him a small smile to assure him that what I am saying is true.

Just then the Four Horsemen of John came into view and started to attack the vehicle.

"Crap, they came out of nowhere!" Kimizuki yelled swerving the car to avoid them.

"Kill them!" Mitsuba yelled.

Yoichi and Mitsuba then killed the ones behind us and then Yuu got on the front end of the car.

"Not slowing down." Kimizuki said to him.

"Not a problem. Come, Asuramaru!" Yuu then jumped off of the car and ran at the monsters and slashed them one by one.

Yuu then jumped up to try and land on the car but missed because Kimizuki quickly turned right at the last second.

"Huh?" Yuu said looking around and then he looked at us.

"Bye Yuu! See you at the meeting spot!" I said laughing along with the others.

"Can't we go faster?" Mitsuba asked.

"Bye, bye, we'll see you at Ebina!" Shinoa said waving her hand in the air to jokingly wave goodbye to him.

Yoichi just laughed.

And we all drove off without him.

"Hey! Wait, where the hell are you going?" Yuu yelled at us but then sighed.

"I can't believe they ditched me." He said under his breath.

"Seriously?" He said staring at the direction we left.


We continued to drive after we had went back to pick up Yuu from where we abandoned him on the side of the road.

"Yep, we are definitely going to be late." I said.

"If we are, we'll just tell them that it was Shinoa and Mitsuba's fault." Kimizuki stated.

"Hey! How dare you sell out your comrades!" Mitsuba yelled at him.

"Comrades my ass. You tried to leave me behind!" Yuu argued with her.

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