The Vampires Attack

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When we got to the meeting point we saw that the place was being bombed by the Vampires.

"Quick the Vampires are attacking!" A person said.

"How could we let this happen!? Where is the Vampire Extermination Unit!?" Another person said.

"What's going on?!" Yuu said.

"Didn't you just hear what they said, the Vampires are attacking." Shinoa said.

"We have to help them!" I yelled, drawing my sword.

Just then one of the helicopters shot a bomb at us.

We all quickly jumped over the edge of the building.

Soldiers with bows started to shoot at the helicopters and took a helicopter down.

"Are those weapons the same as my weapon?" Yoichi asked Mitsuba and Shinoa.

"No, they are simplified versions of your weapon. They are called enchanted gear." Mitsuba stated.

The Vampires then shot at us and we quickly hid behind the wall.

Vampires then came out of the helicopters to attack us.

Then a group of soldiers started to attack the Vampires that just appeared.

"Prepare for battle!" A soldier said and the soldiers started to attack the Vampires.

"We have to help them!" I said running in to help defeat the Vampires.

"She's right! C'mon we've gotta help them out!" Mitsuba shouted following after me.

I was attacking the Vampires when I saw Mitsuba being shot at by a helicopter.

"Yoichi! Take down that helicopter!" I yelled.

"Right!" He was about to shoot but was stopped when he was suddenly attacked by a Vampire which Shinoa quickly took care of.

He then shot the Helicopter down.

Yuu and Kimizuki then took down the rest of the Vampires.

"That the last of them?" Christina asked.

"Looks like it." I said.

A man then came up to us

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A man then came up to us.

"We really appreciate your help! That was intense. I'm with Shinjuku's Security Unit. Well, the third platoon to be exact. My name is Corporal Nagai. And you guys must be the Vampire Extermination Unit?" He said.

"Moon Demon Company." Shinoa stated.

"Wait, really?!" He said surprised.

He then looked down.

"I guess our luck hasn't run out yet..." Nagai said.

"Men find a transport for these soldiers." He said to his men.

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