The Talk.

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I yawned sitting up in my bed.

"Why do we have to meet up and talk about serious stuff this early in the morning... I really don't want to talk about plans for the future this early in the morning..." I said sighing.

"Hah... Welp, time to get ready..." I got up from my bed and headed towards the bathroom and started the shower.

I stepped into the shower.

'I don't know who I should trust in this world... The Hiragi's are obviously not an option... Even siding with Krul Tepish on the Vampires side won't do. The Vamps alone started this whole mess of a problem with taking over the world. You'd think Guren is the best and ONLY option, but... In the show, they chose to stay on Guren's side and the whole Calamity happened all over again a second time... Even though I did say I wanted to go home, I still don't feel right just letting things happen the way they did in the show...' I thought as I washed my hair.

Then a thought hit me and my eyes widened.

'Is it possible that it is physically impossible for me to change the future of this world... I mean, if I look back on it, everything that happened in the show happened in real life. I didn't really change anything. The only difference from the show and what has happened so far is the fact that Yuu didn't go crazy in the fight at Shinjuku. But in return, I was the substitute for him not going crazy.' I thought to myself.

I then froze.

"Does this mean that all my efforts of changing what's going to happen in this world have all been for nothing." I said aloud.

I quickly shook my head.

'No. I can't afford to think like this. If I don't at least try then all of Christina and my efforts would have been for nothing. I have to continue trying while trying to find a way back home. For Christina's sake. And maybe, there's a way to bring her back to life. Since there is a way to turn vampires into humans again. Even when that Vampire has lived thousands of years and should die when changed back due to old age. So bringing back the dead can't be too far fetched. Can it?' I thought turning off the shower and stepping out.

I slowly got dressed and made myself toast.

I then looked at the clock.

"Shit! We're suppose to meet up in five minutes!" I said grabbing my toast and putting it in my mouth and running out the door.


When I got there I saw Yuu talking to Kimizuki about his hair.

"Why won't it just work with me and lay down?" Yuu yelled.

"Right." Kimizuki said turning away.

"At least it's still better than yours." Yuu said to Kimizuki.

"What you say?" Kimizuki started and Yoichi started heading up the stairs to meet the others.

I then quickly swung the glass doors open.

Yoichi then turned around.

"Y/N! You're here!" Yoichi yelled happily.

I smiled at him.

"Hi Yoichi-kun~!" I said to him.

I then looked to Kimizuki and then to Yuu on the ground rubbing his but from me running him over with the door that I swung open so suddenly while he was standing next to the entryway.

I blushed.

"I'm sorry Yuu, I didn't mean to hit you with the door..." I said holding out a hand to help him up.

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