A Hidden Past...

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A/N Hi author here, just so we are clear here this chapter is going to include dark themes with abuse and other elements... If you are uncomfortable with this, I recommend you don't read this story, because this is where we get a deeper look into our main character and her friend... If you were wondering why I didn't bring up a back story for Christina and Y/N it would be because I was waiting to get to this chapter, because it's where it would make the most sense. And so we are clear, this story is NOT meant to be taken lightly from here on out. This story was written to be dark. If you are looking for a happy story, I am sorry to disappoint. You have been warned.


When I pulled out my sword I realized I was in an unfamiliar place. But it looked like a place I had been before...

I looked around me.

I then heard a baby crying...

I checked to see where the noise was coming from.

It seemed to be coming from a door that was part way open...

When I looked at the door I felt a chill run down my spine...

Every instinct in my body was telling me to run but my body was slowly being dragged closer and closer.

It was almost like I was hypnotized...

When I reached the door I slowly opened it.

My hands trembled as the door was fully open.

I saw a H/C haired baby with sparkling E/C eyes staring up at me with wonder to the world around her.

I stared at her for a moment until I heard a loud crashing sound come from the living room.

I quickly ran to it.

I saw a man that was drunk and a woman that was cowering in fear with shards of a glass beer bottle all around her.

'Did he just throw that at her?' I thought.

I didn't notice it but my heart beat was getting quicker, and my hands were getting sweatier as they trembled unconsciously.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." The woman said.

"Sorry doesn't cut you stupid bitch!" He said stomping his way over to her and grabbing a fist full of her hair.

"Why did you keep it you should have gotten rid of that thing when you had the chance!" The man said forcefully shoving her face into the wall.

"But that thing is our child I couldn't bring myself to kill her! She was just an unborn child!" She said desperately as her head kept getting slammed against the wall.

"Are you talking back to me you useless slut! I decided to take you in off of the streets when you were just a lowly hooker and this is how you repay me!?" He slammed her head hard one last time and I heard a crack and then he started choking her.

"No... P-please... I-I'm s-sorry..." He let go and she started coughing uncontrollably.

"Tomorrow we go straight to an orphanage." I said.

"But-" She started.

"Would you rather me kill it? Or maybe I should sell it. I could make some money off of her." She went silent.

"We leave at 6am. You're lucky I am letting it live." He then went into a bedroom and slammed the door.

The woman quickly ran past me and into the babies room.

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