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"I have an idea. But you're going to have to trust us on this."

They all looked at me. And I walked up to his arm that he chopped off just a few moments ago.

"Hey, ugly asshole of a bloodsucker! This arm of yours is quite useful to you, right? I know you can reattach it but can you grow a new one?" I said smirking and stabbing the arm that laid on the ground with my sword.

The noble flinched.

I started up the curse in my sword and moved my sword inside the arm just to piss him off.

"I'll kill you." The noble said quietly.

"What was that I didn't hear you~! I think you said stab it more~!" I said smiling at him evilly as I rammed my sword into it in multiple places.

Everyone behind me was snickering.

Kimizuki came up to my side.

"No, what I heard was that a fancy vampire noble, like himself, can't beat a  couple of humans." Kimizuki said smirking at him.

I laughed at that and nodded.

"Hmm~ I guess you were right~." I said still laughing at the noble.

"Insufferable, livestock. I'll kill every one of you!" The noble yelled at us and came speeding towards us.

"Look sharp. This is it!" Shinoa yelled.

I kept my sword in his arm and stared at him straight in the eyes.

Mitsuba went to attack first.

The noble blocked her strike.

But his eyes widened when he saw Shinya and Yoichi ready to shoot at him.

They shot at him and barely managed to block the incoming hits and was blinded by the attack afterwards for a few seconds.

"The only one dying today... Is you!" Yuu yelled as he slashed the noble in the chest.

I ran to Yuu's side.

"Are you alright, Yuu?" I said bending down to where he was on the ground.

"Don't worry I'm fine, Y/N. You don't have to worry about me!" He said looking up at me smiling brightly.

I let out a sigh of relief.

'Thank god.' I thought.

"Damn... Measly... Pathetic humans." The noble said, struggling to get that sentence out.

"Yayoi! Finish him!" Narumi said to the redhead.

"Right!" She yelled back to him.

She then jumped in the air and tried attacking him but he caught the blade by the handle and yanked the sword from her hands and threw her to the ground in the process.

"I refuse to be killed by livestock." The noble said as he looked down.

He then swung the blade.

"Yayoi!" Narumi yelled.

But the noble didn't attack Yayoi, instead he stabbed himself through the chest and finished himself off.

We all stood in shock.

"You did it, Yuu. Nice job!" Shinoa said to him.

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Yeah, good job, Yuu." I said to him smiling.

Mitsuba then ran up to us along with everyone else.

"This proves it! Working together, we really can destroy the nobles!" Mitsuba said happily.

"You did a really good job sniping Yoichi." I said to him.

"Thanks, Shinya taught me how to be a better sniper." Yoichi said sheepishly.

I smiled at him and then looked towards the sky.

"I wonder how the rest of the teams are doing..." I said silently.


-With Guren-



Guren was fighting sword to sword with a noble.

Guren then slashed at the nobles chest.

"Don't think this means you have beaten us..." The noble struggled to say.

"Shut up. Die." Guren said and swung his sword to finish the job.

Guren then collapsed on the ground with his sword the only thing holding him up.

'Damn it, at this rate I'll die before this mission ends and I won't be able to propose to Y/N like I had planned for when we get back. I hope she's doing okay.' Guren thought to himself.

"Lieutenant Colonel Guren!" Sayuri yelled running up to him along with Shigure.

He quickly stood up and composed himself.

"I'm fine. It went exactly as planned." Guren stated.

"Oh really. Cause it looks like we just got our buts handed to us. Even though we're the strongest team, you should've given us some backup." The guy with the goatee said.

"Think about it, if we struggled this much, then it was definitely the right move to increase the manpower for all the other teams." Guren told him.

"Yeah, but none of that really matters if our commander gets killed." The redhead with a long ponytail said to Guren.

"And that's why I left Shinya above ground. If I die in battle, then he'll step forward to lead." Guren stated to his team.

"Lieu-lieutenant Colonel Guren." A voice said from behind them.

They quickly turned around and gasped.

"Kusunoki! What happened to you?" Guren yelled running to his side to catch him from falling.

"Kusunoki, I'm afraid you're not going to make it. Please, report for your comrades while you can. What happened?" Guren said softly.

"Sir. I'm sorry, but we failed to kill our target. Our forty-five member squad... They've been wiped out. The vampires want you to go to city hall. They asked for you specifically. You have to-" Kusunoki said but groaned in pain at the end.

"Why should I obey them?" Guren asked him to inquire further.

"They killed nineteen of our men. But the rest are being held hostage." He continued.

Guren gasped.

"They're all still alive. Please forgive us-" Kusunoki continued.

He then went into a coughing fit.

"It's all right, it wasn't your fault. This was my mission, so the blame's on me. You can relax now. Goshi." Guren said.

"I'm already on it." Goshi then caste an illusion spell so the man with die peacefully.

"He'll sleep now." Goshi told him.

"Lieutenant Colonel, sir. It's been such an honor to fight for you. To serve. Thank you." He said slowly reaching out to him.

Guren looked at him with a pained look and tried not to cry and be strong.

"Rest. You can watch us defeat these bastards from heaven, you poor idiot." Guren said as the man smiled one last time at him before drifting off into eternal slumber.

Guren stood up.

"Let me be the first to say it. This is clearly some kind of trap. We'd be fools to go. That said. We're still going, aren't we?" The redhead said.

There was a moment of silence.

"We'll join with Narumi and Hiragi's squad. Our target is the Thirteenth Progenitor. His name is Crowley Eusford."


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