How To Control Your Demon

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Shinoa's Squad was out of the walls and had one goal in mind.

To train us on how to use our demon's abilities.

"Here should be good." Shinoa said.

"Alright, today I'm going to show you two how to possess your demons." Shinoa said.

"Wait... Two? Don't you need to teach the four of us how to use them." Yuu asked Shinoa.

"Nope. It looks like Y/N and Yoichi both mastered their demons on their own." Shinoa said.

"What!? For real!?" Yuu said.

"These two always did have a high resistance to demons." Shinoa explained to them.

"I've been talking to my demon every night before I go to bed. And eventually it became second nature." Yoichi said.

"What-what about you Y/N? How did you master it?" Yuu continued to question us.

"Tet, just respects me as his master. So he's willing to do anything for me." I said smiling at him.

"Oh come on! Now I'm competing with a demon too! It's bad enough I was competing with telephone pole over here, but now a demon. This is not my day..." Yuu said his head hanging low.

"What did you call me?" Kimizuki started.

"You heard me." Yuu said.

'Oh my god, these two never stop arguing.' I thought.

"Guys, enough. Let's just get this over with." I said pulling them away from each other.

They looked at me, then looked away.

"Fine..." Yuu said.

"Whatever." Kimizuki stated.

Shinoa clapped her hands together.

"Alright then~! Who wants to be possessed first~!" Shinoa asked us cheekily.

"I will!" Yuu said.

He then cut himself.

"Drink my blood. Ashuramaru." Yuu said and his demon drank his blood and he started to become possessed.

"Everyone prepare to attack." Shinoa said.

We prepared our weapons.

Yuu then fell to the ground asleep.

We all then set him down next to us and we all sat next to each other in a circle.

Kimizuki then looked at me.

"Y/N. When are you going to explain to us about what you said in Shinjuku?" Kimizuki stated.

"He's right, Y/N. Not only have you deceived the army about this matter, but also your own family. I think it's about time you explained yourself." Shinoa said.

"She's right." Mitsuba said.

I sighed.

"I think you're right. I do owe you guys some sort of explanation. I'll tell you everything you need to know. But you have to promise you won't tell any of the Hiragi's about what I am about to say." I said to them seriously.

They nodded.

"Okay. It's true, I came from a different world. In my world all of you are just people on a TV screen, inside a show that I liked to watch. And in that show is the secrets and the future of this world and what is happening and what already happened and what is to come. Christina and I both somehow teleported to this world by an unknown force. Our goal was to stop the tragedies that await many people in this world and to stop the experimentation of the Seraph of the End, that is being done by Yuu. Remember how I lost control at Shinjuku?" I said.

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