We Fight Because of You...

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"A battle to see who is stronger? Alright. If you say so. But don't be embarrassed when you lose! Come, Asuramaru! Fan out! Asura-Kannon! Try not to cry out Kimizuki." Yuu said to Kimizuki as he attacked him.

Swords started attacking as Yuu was running towards Kimizuki.

Kimizuki quickly blocked all the swords from hitting him.

"Nice try! But on the count of nine, I'm opening the Devil's Coffin. Kiseki-o."

Just then a giant coffin appeared above Kimizuki when he pointed his sword above his head.

The coffin then opened to reveal purple glowing eyes inside it.

The thing inside it started counting up from one to ten.

"One. Two. Three. Four..."

Yuu then gasped and started backing away freaked out.

"Hey! Don't you run away from this fight!" Kimizuki yelled at him.

I started laughing on the side lines.

"Yeah! I thought you two were suppose to be fighting over me... But I guess, this is as far as you're willing to go for little ole me... *sigh* And here I was going to give the winner a prize..." I said feigning sadness.

"W-wait! Y-Y/N! It's not like that! It's not what I meant! It's just, I'm not gonna stand by and get killed by some murder coffin! That thing looks super scary!" He yelled with tears in his eyes.

I couldn't stop giggling.

Kimizuki frowned.

"He may be dumb but he's got good instincts..." Kimizuki said quietly.

"What!?" Yuu yelled at him.

"Still, it was my hatred for him that helped me overcome my demon." Kimizuki reasoned with himself.

Yuu blinked.

"Let's just say you're a real pain in my ass. And try not to get in my way for anything again." Kimizuki said to him.

"Oh screw you! If you think I'm bad, wait till you get a taste of my sword!" Yuu yelled at him.

"Can't we all just get along?" Yoichi said to them.

"Yeah. It's not good on our teamwork if you two can't get along." I said to them.

Yuu started looking at me.

"You're starting to sound like Guren... Hey, have you been hanging around Guren a lot. Now that I think about it, I haven't been around you a lot lately... Don't tell me, are you replacing me with Guren!?" Yuu yelled at me.

"What? No! Why would you think that? I'm just stating facts." I stated.

"She's right. If we don't start cooperating we might just end up dead..." Mitsuba said and slowly quieted at the end of her sentence when she said the word 'dead'.

There head slowly turned to look at me.

I looked down and felt a pang in my chest and then looked at them.

"It's okay, you guys don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I'll get over it." I said smiling at them sadly.

"Anyway's guys we should get going now!" I said looking up at the starry sky.

'Christina... If you're up there, I promise you, I'll find out how we came to this world and why we were sent here. And if there is a way, I want to see if I can bring you back to life. After all I'm an Angel and hold powers of God, so it should be possible, right?'


Somewhere in a room to girls were hacking into the Demon Army's personal files.

Mitsuba brought up Yoichi's, Kimizuki's, Yuichiro's, Christina's, and Y/N's background information.

"Just as I thought, all the info. on them starts when they came into the Army. Anything beyond that has been deleted." Shinoa said to Mitsuba.

"Guren could be trying to hide the information from the higher ups." Mitsuba suggested.

"No, I fear that's not it." Shinoa said still looking at the screen.

"Then what could it mean?" Mitsuba asked her.

"I fear that there might be something terrible ahead of us. Something we're not ready for." Shinoa said to her.

'Y/N, is this what you meant when you said the many tragedies to come. I hope I'm not right. Just what are you two hiding... Guren. Y/N... Are you on our side or not?'


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