Mission Part 2

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Our team and Narumi's squad had received orders to meet up with Guren's squad and were now waiting, along with a few other teams, for Guren and his team to meet up with us.

I continued to look around.

Yuu then looked towards us.

"So, how long do we have to wait around here exactly?" Yuu questioned Shinoa.

"The other squads should be joining us by 2:20." Shinoa stated to him looking straight ahead.

"Okay, but what if they don't show?" Yuu asked her.

"Then we have to assume that they're dead." Shinoa said to him.

I then butted in.

"But, you don't have to worry about that, because I know for a fact that they are alive and will make it. So you don't have to worry your pretty little head about that~!" I said loud and clear so everybody heard me.

Everyone relaxed a little at that, because they knew that I know the future of this world.

"Well, if that's what you say Y/N, I'm trusting your word that Guren and his squad is alright." Shinya said. His back against a tree.

I smiled at him.

Just then we saw some troops appear from the distance.

"Oh, look." Mitsuba said.

A girl with brown hair and brown eyes that almost looked red spoke up first.

"Is the Lieutenant Colonel here?" The girl said.

"No, not yet. But Y/N said that he was alright and will arrive shortly. And we are all hoping she's right." Narumi said to her.

"That's good news." She said looking down.

She then turned to her troops.

"Stand by for the time being." She said.

"Yes, ma'am!" A soldier said.

Kimizuki then walked up to Shinoa.

"Hey, Shinoa. Weren't there fifteen soldiers on that squad when we set out earlier? And didn't you say that they would make it here fine, Y/N?" Kimizuki asked us.

"I did say that the troops would make it here, but I didn't say all of them..." I said looking down.

Shinoa nodded looking down as well.

We then turned to the troops that were now sitting down to rest.

"They lost so many." Mitsuba said.

Narumi then walked up to the girls slumped figure.

"Aihara." He called the girls name.

"Did your team complete their mission?" Narumi asked Aihara.

"We wouldn't be here if we hadn't." She stated.

She then looked around.

"You didn't lose any members of your squad." She continued.

Narumi then brought his hands up.

"I know, I'm incredible." Narumi said jokingly to cheer her up.

"Shut up." She said annoyed.

"Hey, Shinoa. Tell her what a great leader I am." Narumi yelled to Shinoa.

Shinoa then looked surprised at him.

"What!? Come on, why are you dragging me into this? Umm... I mean..." She said struggling with her words until Yuu decided to walk over there causing her to gasp.

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