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I woke up early the next morning not really wanting to get up.

"Ugh... Why am I so tired today?" I said to myself.

I quickly got dressed in my school uniform, made some toast, and walked out.

Groggily making my way to the meeting place.

On my way there I bumped into something.

"Hey, watch where you're going. Idiot." I heard a familiar voice say.

I looked up and saw Kimizuki.

Then I realized what he said.

'It is way too early to be dealing with this shit!' I thought ready to snap back, when Yuu suddenly came to me.

"Hey! Don't talk to my family like that!" Yuu said punching Kimizuki in the face.

That woke me up.

Kimizuki tried punching back, but I grabbed his arm.

"Please stop you guys. I don't want to be the cause of a fight between my friends... " I said tearing up a little.

I hated violence.

Kimizuki paused when I said the word 'friends'. Note the 's'.

"Whatever. I don't have time for this. Don't let me see your ugly mug again idiot." Kimizuki walked off.

I breathed a sigh.

'Welp! That encounter could've gone better.' I thought to myself.

"Are you okay Y/N? He didn't hurt you anywhere, did he? I swear, if he so as touched you I'm gonna-"

"I'm fine Yuu." I cut him off. "He didn't touch me, okay? And besides, I know you won't let anything hurt me, because we're family!" I said turning away and then turned my head towards him smiling.

The way the light of the early morning sun shined behind me made me look like an angel.

Yuu stood there staring for a few seconds until he composed himself.

"W-well... As long as you say you're okay, I guess it's alright." He blushed a little.

"A-anyway let's get going, already! Everyone's waiting on us!" He said, back to being himself.

"Yeah, you're right! Let's go!" I said grabbing his hand and running to the meeting spot.

I never noticed the light shade of pink that tinted his cheeks.

Once we got there we were greeted by Yoichi, Christina, and a disappointed looking Shinoa.

"You're late." Shinoa said.

"Yeah well, we ran into a telephone pole." Yuu said looking away.

"A telephone pole?" Yoichi said laughing a little at that.

"Mmmhmm... Well, whatever you say. Shall we then?" Shinoa said smiling brightly again.

"Yep. We're already late." Christina said.

We walked to the classroom.

There we saw a bunch of students and a sleeping Guren at his desk.

"Lieutenant, I brought the transfer students." No response. "Sir?" Shinoa repeated.

"Haah... Fine." He got up from his seat.

"These are the transfer students that will will be joining us; Yuichiro Hyakuuya, Y/N Hyakuuya, Christina Hyakuuya, and Yoichi Saotome."

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