Christina's Story

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(A/N Hi guys I am just letting you know there will be very mature themes in this chapter again. Such as; Child abuse, starvation, child rape, and murder (I am sorry if the reason doesn't line up with most people's beliefs. In no way shape or form is murder acceptable. Please keep that in mind when reading this.) You have been warned.)


As I sat there watching Christina I was unaware of the inner struggles she was facing...

-Inside Christina's Mind-

(A/N just letting you know this music will help set the mood and will help envision the inner struggle with her character! This song was actually my inspiration for her back story! So I beg you to listen to it while reading!)

Christina sat there lying in the closet. Bruises battered her body, she looked as if she hadn't eaten anything in days.

She slipped in and out of consciousness just barely alive.

She just barely heard the pounding footsteps followed by a door slamming open.

Light shined upon her face for the first time in almost a week.

Her frail body that had been beaten and stored away from the world for god knows how long craved for some form of warmth and the sun gave it to her for moments.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

That relief was short lived as she was pulled up by her hair and dragged to a bed.

She panicked and started struggling.

The man that was known as her father sneered at her and slapped her across the face.

"Stop struggling you vermin!" He screamed as he grabbed rope to subdue her.

She struggled and struggled but eventually her muscles became exhausted from all the abuse and strain and eventually all that was left were broken sobs escaping the frail broken girl.

Once she was subdued he had his way with her.

Christina was unable to do anything.

It was always like this.

She would wake up in some closet, he'd beat her, do whatever he wanted to her, and when he was done he would untie her, like he is doing now, and leave to drink beer in the living room.

Leaving her to waste away in the bedroom of the small apartment.

'Why do I do this? Why can I do nothing as he continues these acts day in and day out?'

That's it... Give in. Life is not worth the pain and sadness... It would be better off if you were dead...

A voice said in a low whisper.

'Why do I try... Why do I go on living if this is the life I live?'

Do you give up?

"I give up..."

"I'll take over for you, you poor, poor thing." The demon said popping out of nowhere and piercing Christina through her chest with it's bare hands.


-In reality-

I was looking at Christina and then at Yoichi.

"C'mon wake up..." I murmured to myself.

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