Biographies: Y/N, Christina, and Tetsuo

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Birthday: December 8th

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Blood-type: O positive

Species: Angel/Human mix (Is not one of the Seraph's though.)

Best friend: Christina (Obviously)

Appearance: Your appearance

Hair color: Your hair color

Eye color: Your eye color


Birthday: September 2nd

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Birthday: September 2nd

Zodiac sign: Virgo

Blood-type: AB positive

Species: Human

Best friend: Y/N (But she thinks of you as her saviour.)

Appearance: usually wears darker clothes when not in uniform, but occasionally you will see her wearing something bright and frilly. But other than that it's mostly her uniform for school or now her new uniform for the moon demon company.

Hair color: Black and usually wears in down, but will sometimes wear a ponytail on her days off.

Eye color: (as you may know the pics may change it depending on the picture.) The color is suppose to be blue.

Tetsuo/Tet (the demon in your sword):

Tetsuo/Tet (the demon in your sword):

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Birthday: Unknown

Zodiac sign: Unknown

Blood-type: Unknown

Species: Demon

Best friend: no one that we are aware of, but he does respect his new master and is fastly growing fond of her (you). I don't think he is aware of this fact though as of right now. Hopefully he figures it out soon on his own. But I wouldn't hold your breath on that.

Appearance: He has a tree horn coming out on the side of his head and usually dresses himself in nice everyday clothes, but his outfit changes depending on the mood to make it more dramatic, because he can make clothes with the snap of his finger and dress himself instantly, he uses that fact to his advantage to the point it gets on Y/N's nerves. And he knows it so he does it even more than he usually does when talking to her.

Hair color: Green (Changes the shade depending on the lighting.)

Eye color: Green.

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