Confrontation and Explaination

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I was out in the hallways, finally able to get out of that hospital bed.

I noticed a light on in the library.

'That must be Yuu, he must be researching on how to change Mika back... I should go in there too. Maybe there's a book on how I can get back to my world...' I thought heading towards the library.

Once there, I saw Yuu deeply concentrated on a book.

'I never noticed how cute he looks when he's concentrating.' I thought walking up to him.

"Boo!" I yelled in his ear suddenly.

He jumped out of his chair and looked like he was about to attack then relaxed when he realized it was just me.

"Y/N! Don't scare me like that..." He sighed.

"Watchya' doin'?" I asked with my hands behind my back.

"I'm researching ways on how to turn Mika back to human... After all this time of thinking he was dead, I found out he is alive. I have to turn him back no matter what." He said looking down.

Just then the loud speaker went off.

'They must want Yuu...' I thought.

"Special Private Y/N Hyakuuya. Report to the first office immediately."

"Me? What do the Hiragi's want with me... Could it be..." I said quietly.

"Well, best not keep Guren waiting." Yuu said.

"Not Guren. It's the Hiragi's." I said to him and walked off.

"Hey! Wait! How do you know that!?" He yelled to me after I left.

'Just ignore him. You will only hurt him in the end if you get any closer to him.' I thought feeling a pain in my chest at that thought.


On my way there I saw Guren waiting to greet me under a bridge.

"There she is. Just the girl I wanted to see." He said.

I sighed.

"What do you want, sir. I'm kind of in a rush and I don't feel like talking to you right now. So keep it short and to the point." I said trying to be as cold as possible.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"Is that any way to greet your commanding officer? What happened to the nice little girl that loved everybody and wanted to save everyone?" He said to me.

"That 'girl' that you speak of never existed. The only reason I was so happy died by my hands. I'm sure you can relate, seeing as you killed Shinoa's sister; Mahiru No-yo. Your ex-girlfriend. And about how I 'tried' and failed to 'save' everyone. I just woke up and realized I can't save everyone." I said to him crossing my arms.

"So what you said really is true..." He said under his breath.

"So, what? Now you're going to side with the Hiragi's?" He said.

"What? Who said-" I started.

"You haven't been following my orders, but when the higher-ups call you, you come running like a dog." He said to me.

That made me mad.

"Oh yeah, maybe I should join them just to piss you off you ass whole! Maybe then I won't have to be ordered around by some hypocrite!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me surprised.

"Y/N... You don't mean that... Once you're tangled in with the Hiragi's you can never get out. Do you honestly think they'll let you have as much freedom as I let you have. No. They would keep you on a chain and experiment on you to the point you don't want to live..." He said his eyes softening.

"So, you're point. I'll just end up leaving this world once everything is all said and done." I said.

"What?" He said his eyes narrowing.

"You honestly believe I would stay in this world forever. The plan was never to stay here. Christina and I always planned on returning to our world. We were just killing time by helping you save your world. But honestly, I find no point in saving this world anymore. As soon as I find a way out of this world I'm heading straight home." I said putting my hands in my pockets.

He clenched his fists.

"You don't get to decide that for yourself. I'm the one who saved you from the Vampires when you were weak and helpless. Do you honestly believe you would have made it this far on your own?" He said.

I slowly backed away but I ended up hitting the wall of the bridge next to us.

"I saved your life and now you owe me. I think it's about time you paid up." He said his hands trapping me between the wall and his body.

"And what exactly do you want from me..." I said not meeting his gaze.

He then forcefully took my chin in his hands to make me look him directly in the eye.

"What I want... Is for you to stay by my side, forever."

He then grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss.

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