Nobles Are a Pain!

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Our team was standing inside an old abandoned building with Narumi's squad.

I sighed as I continued to stare out the glass doors.

Yuu was Stretching behind me.

"Shinoa, how much longer?" Yuu complained for, I swear, the thirteenth time.

'I swear, if he complains one more time I am going to round house kick his face to the ground!' I thought annoyed.

Shinoa continued to stare out the windows as she replied.

"We've got about twenty minutes." Shinoa told him.

Narumi then came up to us.

"Everyone. Fall in line. I want to go over our plan of attack again." Narumi told us.

I nodded as we made our way over to him.


Iwasaki pulled out a map that said; 'Attack location         Narumi/Shinoa Squad'.

"We begin at 1400 hours. Our gathered troops will move in teams attacking in unison. If all goes as planned, eight targets will be executed Leaving two nobles alive. Our target's a strong one. Lucal Wesker. The Fifteenth Progenitor. We plan to engage him here. If we're unable to take him by surprise, our priority is to cut off his retreat and prevent him from joining the other nobles. Once our target is dead, we'll hold off any remaining vampires until the Lieutenant Colonel supplies us with new orders. Best-case scenario, all the targets are killed simultaneously and we don't have a problem regrouping and killing the remaining two nobles in Nagoya. If the targets aren't destroyed and the nobles join forces, there's no way we'll be able to beat them. Look. All of our targets are located fairly close to one another. But since our assembled forces have been split into small groups, it should keep the targets busy." Iwasaki said to us and looked up at Narumi at the last statement.

"Our team's one of the smallest. That means there must be high expectations for us." Narumi said.

Narumi then looked at us.

"Even though there aren't as many troops in our squad- Failure is not an option. If you make a mistake, it'll affect the lives of all one hundred of your comrades. You have to remember that." Narumi stated to our group.

'Yeah. No pressure there.' I thought sarcastically.

"We will." Shinoa said.

Yuu just sighed.

"Right, so basically all we gotta do is kill this LuLu LaLa guy, right? No sweat." Yuu said turning around and walking away.

'Yuu. Are you an Idiot? We're already in hot water as is. You don't need to boil the water as well.' I thought sweat dropping.

"Come on, man." Kimizuki said to him under his breath.

"Fooling around will get us killed. This is behind enemy lines. Have you forgotten what the Lieutenant Colonel said?" Narumi said to Yuu.

"I'm just saying that it's not gonna be that hard." Yuu said confused.

"Show some respect." Narumi said.

"This kid. He isn't serious?" One of them said.

"Sergeant Narumi. Can't we be reassigned? There's no way I can trust these kids to have my back." Rika said.

"Whoa. Calm down, Rika. We have to work alongside them. We don't really have time to switch out." The redhead stated putting her hands up in defense.

"This kind of untrust isn't good. They hate us." Mitsuba said.

"Go apologize." Kimizuki nudged at him while saying that.

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