My True Form

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I got ready to fight.

I brought my hands to my chest like I was praying calling to the power sleeping inside me.

'C'mon! I know you're in there powers. Just this once do what I want you to...' I thought to myself.

Just then a bright light came from me and enveloped me.

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Wings sprouted from behind my back and I could slowly feel myself losing control.

Then I summoned a blade and I lost control and I woke up next to my Demon.

"Well, this is getting interesting~!" He said.

"Hey what happened? Are you trying to possess me right now?" I asked my demon.

"I'm hurt that you would think of me so lowly like that~. And by the way, my name isn't 'you' it's Tetsuo." He said to me.

"Wait. You have a name? Well, I'm going to call you Tet for short." I said smiling.

"You know we should be more focused on the matters at hand. Right now the angel side of you is trying to take over."

"Hmm... Is there any way you can help." I asked him.

"Well... There is one way. But you're going to have to trust me." He said.

-In reality-

"All humans who have broken the taboo of heaven shall pay the price. Every last one of you will pay with your life." I said as if in a trance.

I then flew up in the air and started attacking the Vampires.

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After I was satisfied with the amount of Vampires I had killed I caught sight of Mika and was slowly walking up to him. Sword in hand.

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