4 Years Later...

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I was in class next to Yuu and Christina.

It had been four years since Guren took us in. Eight since we came to this world.

Yuu, me, and Christina stuck close to each other, while Yuu just pushed everyone away that tried to get close to me and Christina.

"Haa... Why won't Guren just give us power to defeat the vamps! I'm ready to kill those damn blood suckers!" Yuu exclaimed.

"Maybe, Guren has a good reason to." I said simply.

Christina kept quiet

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Christina kept quiet.

She's been like this since Mika left.

"And what reason would that be?! And why are you standing up for him?!" He said jealousy in his voice.

"Eh, umm I-I'm just saying that in his point of view we need to trust and rely on our comrades more, that's all." I said quickly, making up an excuse to cover up the fact I'm older in our world and was crushing on the Lieutenant that's now suppose to be my father figure.


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'Ugh... Why does my love situation have to be like this!?' I mentally sighed.

"You three pay attention! Or I'll have you three in detention!" The teacher said, slamming his book on the ground.

"You mean you'll make us leave this dump!? We will humbly accept this and-" Yuu said, then we noticed Shinoa.

"I'm not done talking!" The teacher said.

We looked at the note.

It said she was basically our babysitter.

"Behave." She said sternly.

After that Yuu calmed down and I sat there silently. Soon after class ended.

Shinoa gave Yuu the note that said to make at least one friend.

"'Of course, I'm not gonna hold my breath?!' Who does he think he is?!" Yuu yelled in the hallway.

"I agree that was a bit uncalled for, but he does make a valid point." Christina said.

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